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I love "Covering comics, movies, tv like no other in the world!" And I would have to admit, most of the time they live up to their bombastic billing. I'd give them an A- for their "lists" (if only for the few times they spit out a klunker like list covered in my previous blog: The day CBR really stepped in it). But, his time they nailed it. Almost. A-

"10 Marvel Characters That Could Beat Batman Without Breaking A Sweat (And 10 That Batman Could Take Down)" is a list that is eerily accurate. And while there are a couple of klunkers, its a really good list. Here we analyze the list, entry by entry. Remember that our results are based on real world metrics, not opinion, not votes, not guessing. The Grandmaster's guidelines apply here for the matches and winners. Gassing your foe is not enough for a win. Now to the CBR matches-

Batman beats Cyclops: probably. The optic beams could wreck the Dark Knight, if Cyclops could hit him. Batman's agility is a 40, Cyclops is a 30. Bats could likely get to the visor. Game over.

Moonknight beats Batman: Wrong, wrong, wrong,wrong. We covered this fight in August. MK is the fake Batman. He's awful. His costume mimics Batman's, his gear mimics Batman, he has 4 personalities one of which is a millionaire. It's awful. He's awful. His skills are nowhere near Batman level. Batman is going to beat him senseless.

Batman beats Punisher: yes. We were going to fight this one, but we thought that Punny vs Red Hood would be a better match.

Daredevil beats Batman: doubtful. Now listen, Daredevil is in my top 3 favorite characters of all time and I wish CBR's prediction were true. But I don't think it will be. We fight the match here, and I hope DD pulls it out.

Batman beats Elektra: yes. No doubt Elektra is BA and probably will win our all-girl tournament.

Now that's not to say that Elektra can't fight men. She's one of the most lethal female combatants we have ever seen. But we're not just talking anybody here. He's Batman.

Spiderman beats Batman: yes. This is probably Marvel's most popular character going against DC's most popular. And I love Spidey. And yes he wins. His webbing hardens to a strength of 75 in just 6 seconds. After that nothing short of Wolverine's claws can cut it. Not even the Bat-laser (cutting rating of 40). Batman bench presses 800 lbs max, Spidey is 10 tons. Batman could gas him, but that doesn't get him the win. Game over.

Batman beats Ironfist: yes. The recent TV series of Fist was horrible. It made me want Batman to win even more. Results here.

Dr Doom beats Batman: yes. At first I misread the blog and thought they were saying Batman wins. I had smoke coming out of my ears! Then I re-read it and calmed down. Doom wins. He is stronger, actually has a greater intelligence rating, and has superior armor. There is almost nothing Bats could throw at him to hurt him.

Batman beats Kingpin: yes. Wilson Fisk has the strength and skill of a sumo, but is no match for the Dark Knight. Here are the results of Kingpin vs Joker, which I am sure will infuriate every DC fan on the planet.

Psylocke beat Batman: yes. CBR cites her mental abilities which are formidable. Batman, as strong as he is in willpower and smarts, can't beat her.

Batman beats Black Widow: yes. I love Natasha, and I love Scarlett's version of here. Even so, she is no match for Batman. See how she does in the 16 girl tourney.

Cable beats Batman: probable. He's is strong, has great tech and is telepathic. With prep Batman might win, but whisked away in a random fight, Batman is overwhelmed.

Batman beats Green Goblin: probable. If they were to fight in the city, with everything at their disposal, Gobby might pull one out. But in an enclosed arena, Batman clearly has the upper hand.

Deadpool beats Batman: yes, yes he does. There is nothing for Batman to overcome that pesky healing factor, as referenced here.

Batman beats Captain America: see for yourself.

Wolverine beats Batman; bub, you're right about that.

Batman beats Doc Ock: I'd buy that. Yeah the arms are a problem, but the world's greatest detective would get around them, even with no prep. And check out our tournament of Spidey Foes vs Bat foes here.

Ironman beats Batman: yes. Powerful armor, intelligence that matches Batman, and more offensive weaponry. Even in an enclosed arena, edge to Ironman.

Batman beats Hulk: ridiculous. Yes I know, there was a crossover. Yes I know CBR said it. But Batman used gas. That's not a win in combat, its a stay. Grandmaster doesn't allow for gassing, health has to be reduced to zero. Batman could pound on the Hulk for days after gassing and never hurt him. Even Superman fought Hulk to a stand still.

Black Panther beats Batman: I was surprised by this prediction. Results here.

Overall, CBR did an amazing job, even if their predictions were based more on opinion than actual data. Here at wunceand4all we will post the result even if we don't like the outcome- 'Cause Dice Don't Lie!

And thanks for joining us!

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