"Dice don't lie"

Epic villains, bent on ruling their worlds. Men with power, and the will to use it to their own means. The scarred genius versus the dishonored Lantern. Both men have something to prove. They enter the arena, no warning, no prep as they both are randomly whisked away by the GrandMaster, and forced to fight (no one released) until a victor is declared. Opponents must be reduced to health 0 for a contestant to secure the victory (rendering unconscious is not enough).
Victor von Doom
Fighting RM 30
Agility EX 20
Strength RM 30
Endurance MN 75
Reason AM 50
Intuition IN 40
Psyche AM 50
Health 155
Karma 140
Hyper-Invention: Monstrous ability to comprehend/design/repair technology.
BATTLE SUIT: Doom's personal battle armor has the following powers and effects:
Body Armor: Doom's armor has AM material strength and provides IN protection from physical attacks and AM protection from energy attacks, including heat, cold, radiation, electricity, and lasers.
Force Field: The armor can generate an UN intensity personal force field. Doom cannot attack while the force field is active.
Flight: Doom's armor is equipped with a retractable jet backpack, which provides flight at Incredible speed.
Blasters: Doom's primary armament are a pair of gauntlet mounted particle beam emitters which cause up to MN force or blunt attack damage, or stun with up to Amazing ability, at a range of 7 areas. The blasters can also be used as an area attack, affecting everyone in an adjacent area at -2CS damage. Area attacks cannot be dodged, but intended targets can escape its effects by leaving the area of effect.
Laser Beam: This is a gauntlet mounted laser, causing up to Amazing energy damage at a range of 7 areas.
Tractor Beam: The gauntlet mounted tractor beam exerts Amazing strength up to 7 areas distant. It is generally used to pull an opponent or object towards Doom, or hold an opponent or object in place. Note that the Tractor Beam cannot cause any damage by itself. A strength FEAT roll is required to break free of the Tractor Beam's power.
Lightning Beam: This gauntlet mounted electro-blaster causes up to Amazing electrical damage or stuns opponents with Incredible ability at a range of 3 areas.
Electric Touch: The armor can channel electricity along its surface, causing Monstrous electrical damage or stunning with Amazing ability on contact.
Disruptor Beam: These gauntlet mounted electromagnetic/gravitic wave emitters disrupt electrical fields, rendering electronic equipment powerless for 1-10 turns with Amazing ability at a range of 5 areas. A successful power FEAT roll against the intensity of the disruptor negates the effect. The disruptor ignores body armor but not force fields. However, if the force field is generated by an electronic device, the disruptor can affect it with power rank ability.
Neuro-Neutralizer: These gauntlet mounted neural wave projectors disrupt the brain waves of living opponents, paralyzing them with Monstrous ability for 1-10 turns at a range of 5 areas. A successful Endurance FEAT roll against the intensity of neuro-neutralizer negates the effect. The neuro-neutralizer ignores body armor but not force fields.
Molecular Expander: Each of Doom's gauntlets contain specially treated microscopic particles that, upon contact with the air, instantly expand into the size of boulders. These boulders completely cover any single area adjacent to Doom. Anyone in this area suffers up to Monstrous damage and is buried under Monstrous weight boulders. Doom has enough particles to fire two shots before he must replenish his supply.
Chronal Deccelerator: Doom's gauntlets can also project beams of chronal displacement energy that modify his opponent's relationship to the time stream. The effect of this chronal displacement is to slow the opponent down in relation to real time. Anyone struck by the chronal decelerator suffers a -2CS to his Fighting and Agility FEAT rolls for 1-10 turns. In addition, anyone struck by the chronal deccelerator always loses initiative. If an opponent is hit by the chronal decelerator while still under the effects of a prior hit, he suffer an additional -1CS to his Fighting and Agility FEAT rolls for each additional hit. The chronal deccelerator has a range of 2 areas and ignores body armor but not force fields.
Pain Inducers: On contact, Doom's gauntlets can channel powerful nerve disruptors which cause excruciating pain to living opponents. An opponent touched by the pain inducers must make an Endurance FEAT roll: a White result means he is rendered unconscious for 1-10 turns; a Green result means all FEATs involving Fighting, Agility and Strength are at -2CS for a full turn; a Yellow result means all FEATS involving Fighting, Agility and Strength are at -1CS for a full turn; and a Red result means the character is able to shrug off the effects. Note that characters who are suffering a loss of strength as result of the pain inducers will have the damage they cause from physical attacks reduced accordingly (example: if Doom touches the Thing with his pain inducers and the Thing rolls a Yellow Endurance FEAT, his strength is reduced to Amazing for one full turn). The pain inducers ignore natural body armor (such as the Thing's rocky epidermis) but not artificial body armor or force fields. Clothing does not impede the pain inducers unless it is several inches thick.
Sensors: Doom's armor provides infravision and enhanced hearing, with Incredible ability. The armor is also equipped with radar, sonar, sonic, thermal, infra-red, and radiation detection units. Each has a range of 100 miles and functions with Amazing ability. While the sensors are active, Doom cannot be blindsided. Doom's armor also can detect hazardous gases, chemicals, and particles, estimate height, weight, and distance, and estimated times of arrival based on velocity with Amazing ability. If the sensors are inactive or disabled, Doom's Intuition is reduced to Excellent. This does not affect his Karma.
Communicators: The armor is also equipped with an all band radio communicator, several personal cell phone lines, a wireless modem, a wireless fax imaging system, several private frequency lines, and an AM/FM radio. The armor can link up with global satellites to enable communications around the world, with Monstrous ability.
Computers: Doom's armor has a built-in housekeeping computer of Monstrous ability that controls and monitors most suit functions and processes data from his headquarters in Latveria.
Air Supply: Doom's armor contains enough compressed air for 1 hour of normal breathing (this is shortened if the armor is operated at high pressure). The oxygen tanks automatically replenishes itself when exposed to breathable air. It takes approximately 5 turns to completely replenish the air supply.
Life Support: Doom's armor provides a complete nuclear, chemical, biological environment for 30 days by filtering air.
Thaal Sinestro
Fighting GD 10
Agility EX 20
Strength TY 6
Endurance EX 20
Reason RM 30
Intuition EX 20
Psyche AM 50
Health 45
Karma 100
Powers: None
Yellow Power Ring: Sinestro’s ring, considered by some to be one of the most powerful weapons in the known universe, has the ability to affect and use fundamental forces of the known universe. including electromagnetic energies such as gravity, radiation, heat, light, and powerful blasts of concussive force. The ring is considered to be made from Unearthly material and has a strength to match.
Electromagnetic Force Manipulation: The Ring has extensive energy manipulation powers able to effect the entire spectrum including gravity, radiation, heat, light at Unearthly ability. Sinestro can create and maintain 3 effects per round. By making a successful Psyche FEAT roll he may create and maintain a 4th effect. On the creation of solid objects the GM decides which creations are within the power of the ring and assigns a power intensity FEAT: Simple weapons, entrapments devices, common geometric shapes, gigantic hands and simple containers are all powers stunts and are usually Monstrous rank.
Powers stunts include: Energy Blasts: MN. Kinetic Blast: Project MN blasts of concussive force. Force Field: MN rank. Create objects of solid energy: MN
The Yellow ring is also capable of imparting the following extra abilities:
Power boost. With a successful GREEN Psyche FEAT (and bystanders), Sinestro can boost all the ring’s abilities one column shift, with a Yellow, 2 CS and with a RED, 3 CS. This is maintained as long as there are observers in the current scenario off which he can feed. With a 2nd RED psyche FEAT he can make one more CS (maximum of Shift Z). If he is rendered unconscious, all boost benefits disappear, as the obsservers no longer consider him a threat.
Mind Tampering: The yellow power ring relies on thought and fear to operate, and mind tampering is probable. This power rank is the same as the wielders Psyche (or at boost rank) If Sinestro can be keep a GL from focusing his will (Sinestro PSYCHE vs target PSYCHE), their ring could be rendered useless. Lower target psyche requires green FEAT, equal target psyche requires YELLOW FEAT and higher targets require RED.
True Flight: Incredible airspeed in Earth's atmosphere, Class 3000 in space
Life Support: The ring provides Class 1000 life support when required.
Energy Sheath: This life sustaining aura protects him from harm. The ring generates a field of life sustaining atmosphere and protection from harmful radiation, even if the wearer is unconscious. It also offers Psyche rank (or boost rank) defense vs attacks.
Electromagnetic Scanning: The ring has a wide range of detection abilities. If it can be conceived it can probably be detected. Most normal electromagnetic phenomena are within the range of the ring, including radio, television, infrared, ultraviolet, and high frequency band communications at MN levels.
Universal Translator: The ring allows the wearer to communicate with anyone, no matter what language is spoken at Monstrous rank. The ring allowed for translation as long as the medium for communication was able to be duplicated by the ring, and that the wearer was aware that communication was being attempted.
Regeneration and Recovery: EX ability to repair minor injuries in himself (2pts round).
Absorption: MN
Invisibility: A ring wielder can render him/her/itself invisible at MN rank by willing the ring to bend light waves around his/her/its form, as well as that of the power ring. Presumably, a similar action allows an experienced ring wielder to create objects of colors other than green.
Astral Travel: The power ring allows the wearer to create an "energy twin" of his/her/itself with Excellent ability that can travel at far greater speeds than that of the ring wielder's physical form. While the energy twin is active the ring wielder remains motionless, his/her/its life force is needed to guide the energy twin.
Life Sense: Green Lantern "Type" Energy only: Class 1000
Full Environmental Playback: Upon request, the power ring can recreate a holographic environment based on data in its memory banks. The ring wielder can observe events in a ghostlike state, but the ring wielder cannot alter the outcome of the playback. All objects in the playback will appear in the full spectrum of colors, regardless of the wielder's level of expertise creating simulcrums. The power ring will automatically end the playback if outside interference warrants the ring wielder's undivided attention.
Protection from Mortal Harm: The power ring features an emergency energy reserve, to be utilized only when the wielder faces mortal injury. This power automatically activates to preserve the wearer's life and can be used only once during a twenty four hour period, unless the power ring is recharged at the power battery. The effect can then last up to an additional twenty four hours, to protect the ring possessor if energy runs out in the void of space.
Raise Power: Any power or ability of the ring may be temporarily enhanced by a Psyche FEAT roll. He must roll with -2CS against Psyche for every +1CS he is hoping for. This is why Sinestro (and Lanterns) can make HUGE energy blasts but have gritted teeth and sweat pouring down their face. The more powerful the blast the harder it is to do.
Power Battery:
Material Strength: Unearthly
Energy Source: Unearthly
Energy Absorption: Unearthly
Invisibility: Amazing
Some advanced technologies such as those of Qward or Apokolips have managed to develop nullification fields. The Weaponers of Qward had created such a field in one of their fortresses, while a rogue entity from Apokolips had set up a null field around an Earth island. To study a possibly defective power ring, a field was set up on the deserted side of Oa.
Scientist (physics), mechanical engineer,
ROUND 1- Both combatants appear at opposite ends of the arena and scan each other.
ROUND 2- Sinestro raises a force field. Initiative Doom. He fires the neuro-neutralizer and misses. Sinestro attempts a power blast up to class 250 and fails. 250 power lost.
ROUND 3- Initiative Doom. He fires the Chronal Deccelerator and barely misses. Sinestro powers the ring for a class 250 shot and misses. Ring at 2500 pwr.
ROUND 4- Initiative Sinestro. Sinestro powers the ring for a class 250 shot and misses. Ring at 2250 pwr. Doom again fires the Chronal Deccelerator and hits. The chronal deccelerator ignores body armor but not force fields. Sinestro force field saves him.
ROUND 5- Initiative Doom. He fires the molecular expander. The arena nearly fills with boulders filling the size of the arena. Doom and Sinestro are separated by the boulders. Sinestro's force field protects him from the MN (75) blunt force attack. He fires on the boulders and cuts a path back to Doom. Ring energy 2150.
ROUND 6- Initiative Sinestro. He strains and powers the ring to class 250 and fires. Hit. Doom's armor is crippled and cannot protect him under the force of Sinestro's blast. His health drops to 0. Sinestro wins.