"Dice don't lie"

Superman is the #1 rated hero in comics. So when you are #1 what happens? Everybody comes gunnin. War Machine is ready to answer the call if Supes goes rogue, after a little stopoff in Wakanda for some upgraded tech. Can Superman prevail or is War Machine + Black Panther just too much to overcome?
Fighting Incredible 40
Agility Monstrous 75
Strength Unearthly 100
Endurance Shift-Y 250
Reason Remarkable 30
Intuition RM 30
Psyche Amazing 50
Health 415
Karma 110
Invulnerabilities: Superman has Class 1000 resistance to Heat, Cold, Disease, Corrosives, Toxins and Radiation.
True Invulnerability: Superman's dense Kryptonian body provides him with Unearthly protection from physical and energy attacks.
True Flight: Superman is able to defy gravity and fly at Shift-Z airspeeds in atmosphere whilst at Class 3000 speed in space
Heat Emission-Eyes: Superman can emit his body's stores of solar radiation through his eyes causing Unearthly Heat damage with a 10 area range. Hyper breath: MN strength winds, AM intensity cold.
Power Boost: Superman can direct his bodies energies into his Strength, Flight or Speed, raising them as high as +2CS. It is an instantaneous boost and will be used when the challenge calls for it. He can boost immediately to Shift-Y if he needs too (+1 to attacks).
Hyper Speed: Superman is fast. He possesses hyper-speed at Amazing rank. He may make up to 3 combat actions per round and use speed as Intuition boost to AM (+4 to initiative roll)
War Machine
Fighting Incredible 40
Agility Incredible 40
Strength Unearthly 100
Endurance Monstrous 75
Reason Excellent 20
Intuition Excellent 20
Psyche Good 10
Health 255
Karma 50
War Machine has received several technical upgrades as a result of his working relationship with Black Panther.
*Living Armor: Unearthly protection from all attacks, energy or physical.
*Drones: Miniature drones capable of independent action with at least a Monstrous Energy Blast
*Energy Blast: Energy Blast of at least Unearthly Rank.
*Energy Sponge: Monstrous, Absorb and store any kind of energy. Up to 3x power rank (shift -Y, 300) can be stored and released as an attack at -1CS (150), or harmlessly dissipated.
*Disintegration beam: Monstrous. Agility FEAT to hit, the character makes a Disintegration FEAT versus either Endurance, protective power rank, or Material Strength, whichever is hardest. If successful, the target is destroyed entirely. If the FEAT fails, the target still suffers power rank damage.
*Electro-Physiological Flux Gun- intensifies the neurological activity in a target (Amazing intensity for determining if the effect can be resisted). What this does, in effect, is electrocute the target from within. If the target has mentally based powers, the highest power rank in those powers determines the maximum electrical potential in the body, and the level of damage. If the target has superhuman Agility, that rank is used for damage, if there are no higher ranks in Mental powers.
*Phase Missiles (4): It has built-in circuitry which allows a multitude of short-range random teleports on its way to the target. Each materialization lasts for only a fraction of a second, thus making appear like the missile is in many different places at the same time. The missile is programmed to strike the target from behind. The warhead can bypass body armor, resistances and forcefields. AM (50) explosive damage.
*Regeneration: Jim can heal from fatal wounds at Unearthly rank
*Sealed Systems: Jim can Survive without air indefinately, at Class 5000 rank.
*Flight: Shift-X speeds.
*Instant Change to War Machine.
ROUND 1- Initiative Supes. He flies and fires a heat beam from his eyes. Red result. WM cannot absorb the energy into his energy pool (failed FEAT) but he suffers no damage. Superman flies at WM and punches twice. Stun and miss. WM is blown back against the forcefield and us stunned unable to act this round.
ROUND 2- Initiative Superman. He closes the distance on WM and punches 3 times. Miss, hit, hit.War Machine suffers no damage from the blows. War Machine releases 2 drones. They fire. One hit one miss. No damage.
ROUND 3- Initiative Superman. He grabs War Machine and has WM's arm, limiting WM's actions to a -2CS. He squeezes WM's arm but cannot get the material to buckle. He uses his final action to solar boost his STR to Shift-Y. WM fires point blank with his EPF gun. He hits a bullseye. Superman tries to resist the effect but cannot. 75 electrical damage from within. Health at 340.
ROUND 4- Initiative Supes. He lets go of the arms and flies back, reevaluating his strategy. He flies at MW at ramming speed and connects. War Machine is slammed backward into the barrier. War Machine's armor is fractured and can no longer protect him and he cannot attack this round.
ROUND 5- Initiative Superman. He fires three fast punches. Somehow War Machine dodges 2 punches. Superman connects with 1. War Machines health is reduced to 5. In a desperate effort he fires his disintegration beam. His targeting is damaged and he misses. He slips into unconsciousness. Winner Superman.