"Dice don't lie"

JLA vs Avengers. Legends. One empowered by the Elders of the Universe, the other heir to the throne of Asgard. Both warriors. Both unafraid. Both masters in battle.
Fighting MN 75
Agility AM 50
Strength SHIFT X 150
Endurance UN 100
Reason GD 10
Intuition RM 30
Psyche RM 30
Health 425
Karma 70
William Batson's human body has been super-charged with the magical energy of the Godwave. This grants him the wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Hercules, the stamina of Atlas, the power of Zeus, the courage of Achilles and the speed of Mercury; S.H.A.Z.A.M. These powers are described below:
Cosmic Awareness: Captain Marvel possesses an Excellent understanding of the divine interactions with the mortal world. He is acting as an emissary for humanity against entities from magical realms whom are friendly, and a guardian against those who are not.
Total Memory: This represents Captain Marvel's Wisdom of Solomon. With it, he can Recall knowledge and facts that he normally should not and/or would not know with Monstrous ability.
Dimension Travel: This can only be used to travel to the Rock of Eternity at Remarkable rank. The Rock of Eternity is a nexus of power in a nearby realm of existence that channels power to anyone utilizing the power of the wizard Shazam. As to whether he can travel to other dimensions or locations using the Rock is currently unknown.
True Flight: Captain Marvel is able to defy gravity and fly at Unearthly airspeeds.
Hyper Speed: He has the ability to sharpen his awareness and increase his temporal flow at Amazing rank, appearing to move faster than humanly possible.
Self-Sustenance: Captain Marvel is sustained by the magical energies coursing through his body. He does not require air, food or water.
Resist Disease and Toxins: Marvel is highly resistant to the effects of toxins and disease to the point where he is uneffected by anything less than Unearthly intensity.
True Invulnerability : When transformed Captain Marvel possesses Monstrous protection from physical and Energy attacks.
Alter Ego: By speaking the magic word, "Shazam," he summons a magical bolt of lightning that supercharges and transforms him. Since the bolt strikes wherever he is standing when he says the word, anyone at ground zero is damaged by Incredible lightning. Billy and Captain Marvel are Immune to any damage from this lightning. Limitation: Lightning attacks that cause Shift-X damage in a single round cause Captain Marvel to revert back to Billy Batson.
Fighting UN 100
Agility RM 30
Strength UN 100
Endurance UN 100
Reason GD 10
Intuition EX 20
Psyche AM 50
Health 330
Karma 80
True Invulnerability: Thor has IN protection from physical and energy attacks.
Resistances: Thor has UN Resistance to fire, cold, radiation and Toxins.
Invulnerablity: Thor has Class 1000 Resistance to Disease.
Illusion: Thor can detect Illusions with Remarkable ability.
Weather Control: Thor is able to call upon the lightning, thunder and storm without his hammer however this is at Amazing rank.
Warrior's Madness: Thor can enter a berserk state that raises his strength up to Shift-X for 1-10 rounds. At the end the Warrior's Madness he must make an Yellow Endurance FEAT or pass out for 5-20 rounds. Thor's strength level drops to Monstrous for 3 days afterward, regardless.
Unique Weapon: War hammer-"Mjolnir" is made from Uru metal, a Class 3000 strength metal. Mjolnir possess the following powers:
Thor may inflict up to Shift-X Blunt damage with Mijolnir
Thor may throw the hammer up to 10 areas away with the hammer returning the following round.
Thor may fly up to Class 1000 speeds space and Shift-Z maximum in atmosphere
By spinning the hammer, Thor may use it as a shield of Unearthly strength.
Weather and Air Control: Shift-Y rank. Thor has all associated power stunts and can shoot lightning bolts from Mjolnir without summoning a storm.
Light Blast: Unearthly intensity
Absorption: The hammer can absorb blasts of up to Class 1000 intensity which must be redirected the following round, in any direction.
Mystical Energy Blasts: Mijolner can fire draining blasts of mystical energy (on the force or energy column) with Unearthly ability, capable of slaying Asgardian gods. Thor refers to this energy blast as the Anti-Force.
Life Support: While in space, the hammer provides Thor with Shift-Z Life Support allowing him to breath freely. Thor can naturally go long periods without food or water but must still breath and sleep(with the hammer).
Only one who is worthy may lift Mijolnir. The wielder (other than Thor) must have 1000+ Karma, Remarkable Strength and positive Popularity. A non-living object must have at least Remarkable Strength to lift Mjolnir.
Unfettered Might: Thor has developed a particularly deadly power stunt with Mjolnir which he seldom uses on mortal opponents. This is a Thrown Attack, with a "wind up" that increases dmg. from Shift-X to Shift-Y, and surrounds the hammer with a blazing blue energy-aura (use the Throwing Edged column for this attack). The friction-generated heat of the "wind up" is so immense that it causes Unearthly damage on Thor himself. Thor is reluctant to use this power on mortal opponents, and as such looses half of his Karma every time he does so. Against rampaging foes of great power (such as Surtur, Fafnir, ect.) he does not suffer this penalty (they must be stopped at all costs). Thor may also attempt this as a melee Edged Attack (not throwing it), but is restricted to only one attack that round.
Dimensional Rift: By focusing all of Mjolnir's energies, Thor can create a rift in the fabric of the universe, breaking the barriers between dimensions. Anyone or anything caught nearby will be forces into the rift by a Shift-Z (Class 1000 if wearing his Belt of Strength) energy backlash. Thor can determine into which dimension the victims arrive in. This power costs Thor all of his remaining Karma points.
ROUND 1- Initiative Shazam. He flies at Thor and punches Thor in the face. Hit! 110 damage to the Asgardian. Thor steps back and shoots a Shift-Y rank lightning bolt at Shazam. Hit! Shazam is stunned for a bit, and then reverts back to Billy Batson. Thor is about to kill him when the Grandmaster cries "Hold!" Grandmaster declares Thor the winner, not wanting the death of a youth on his conscience.