"Dice don't lie"

Two scientists, both looking for answers to some of Earth's biggest problems. Both brilliant, both changed though treachery. Now they both protect the swamp that gave them new life... or at least a second chance.
Fighting RM 30
Agility EX 20
Strength IN 40
Endurance MN 75
Reason RM30
Intuition AM 50
Psyche IN 40
Health 165
Karma 120
Plant Elemental: The Swamp-Thing is an Elemental, tied to ‘The Green’ -the mystical bio-energies that surround the Earth itself; as such he possesses vast powers over the planet’s natural flora. Some of his abilities which have been documented so far include:
*Animal Control: The Swamp-Thing can control the wildlife of the swamp with Remarkable ability. With nonswamp-life, this ability is reduced to Excellent
*Animal Summoning: Remarkable
*Animate Plants: Swamp-Thing may animate living plants with Monstrous ability
*Awareness: Incredible
*Dimensional Travel: Amazing
*Growth: Swamp-Thing may channel his energies into Amazing Growth
*Duplicate Selves: The Swamp-Thing may create exact duplicate bodies at Amazing ability. These bodies match his physical stats and he may transfer his base consciousness to any one of them, or control all of them at once.
*True Invulnerability: Amazing resistance to all Physical damage
*Mystic Sense: The Swamp-Thing may detect mystical energies with Amazing ability
*Personality Transfer: The Swamp-Thing has the Remarkable ability to transfer his consciousness into other bodies, including plants, animals, and even humans. Sentient beings
may resist being taken over with a Psyche FEAT.
Plant Communication: Swamp-Thing has Unearthly ability to communicate with all forms of plant life
Plant Control: Monstrous ability to control plants
Plant Growth: Unearthly ability to cause plant life to grow
Regeneration: Incredible ability to regenerate lost limbs and tissue.
Sealed Systems:
Solar Sustenance: Swamp-thing has Monstrous ability to draw energy from the sun
Telepathy: The Swamp-Thing manifests general Telepathy of Amazing intensity.
Fighting RM 30
Agility PR 4
Strength RM 30
Endurance MN 75
Reason FE 2
Intuition EX 20
Psyche AM 50
Health 139
Karma 72
Emotion Detection: Monstrous, positive emotions fill him with joy but negative emotions cause an unpleasant reaction. His most hated emotion is fear and he attacks anyone who is afraid.
Burning Touch: "For whoever knows fear burns at the Manthing's touch", when he senses fear his body excretes a sulfuric acid which inflicts IN (40) burns on anyone he touches.
Vegetable Form: Monstrous protection vs. physical attacks. This protection drops by -1CS for every week he spends away from his swamp to a minimum of Remarkable.
Oozing: Man-Thing can ooze through small-sized openings. The smaller the opening the longer it takes.
He loses -1CS Strength, Fighting and Endurance for every week spend away from his swamp. If his strength drops to Fe he becomes comatose until returned to his normal environment.
ROUND 1- Both combatants shamble toward each other and trade punches for 10 rounds with no discernable effects.
ROUND 11- Swamp Thing creates 4 duplicate selves. Each one grabs a limb of the ManThing and they begin to pull him apart. ManThing oozes from their grip, but not before losing half his health. He oozes into the swamp and disappears. Swamp Thing communicates with the swamp growth. ManThing has dispersed himself into the muck and vegetation to reform later. Winner Swamp Thing.