"Dice don't lie"

This guy eats planets for food. Forget about Superman vs Galactus or Thanos vs Galactus. He can hold his own with the Universe's biggest players. It usually takes teams of heroes to get him to back off.
UPDATE: We now have stats for a number of Cosmicly powered baddies from DC. Results below from Galactus vs The Anti-Monitor, Phantom Stranger, Spectre, Imperiex, and Parallax Entity! Remember these are REAL results, not votes, not guesses, not opinion.
Fighting Class 1000
Agility Unearthly
Strength 1000
Endurance Class 3000
Reason 1000
Intuition 1000
Psyche 3000
Health 5100
Karma 5000
True Flight: Galactus can travel at Class 3000 speed (lightspeed).
True Invulnerability: Galactus has Shift-X resistance to physical and energy attacks. He has Class 5000 resistance to extreme heat and cold, corrosives, toxins, and disease.
Force Field: Galactus can surround himself with protective fields of Shift-X rank.
Life Detection: Galactus has the Class 3000 ability to detect the life energies of planets. He can detect an occupied planet at a maximum range of 50 light years.
Kinetic Bolts: Galactus can release energy blasts of Shift-Z Intensity.
Hyper-Invention: Galactus can create any device he wants by assembling whatever materials are either in hand or can be made from existing substances.
Disruption: As a side effect of his feeding process, Galactus has the Class 1000 ability to destroy the molecular bonds that hold the target together. Galactus can consciously use this power with diminished effect against lesser targets, such as individuals. In such a case the power decreases to Shift-X rank.
Cosmic Energy Manipulation (known as “The Power Cosmic”): Galactus possesses cosmic power beyond the abilities of human beings to measure. Galactus is able to use the vast energies within him for an incalculable number of effects with Class 3000 ability. It has been speculated that Galactus possesses enough power to lay waist to an entire galaxy with a full exertion of his cosmic powers. The following are just a few of his regular power stunts:
Energy Blasts: Energy or Force blast of Power rank intensity with unlimited range
Teleportation: Galactus can teleport himself others with unlimited range
Dimensional Travel, Time Travel, Force Field Generation (all Stunts), Telekinesis, Healing, and Energy and Life Detection
Matter Control, Creation, and Conversion (all powers)
Ability Boost: Galactus can boost any or all-physical abilities (FASE) to Power Rank for 1-10 hours a day. If Power Rank already, raise +1CS
Endowment: Galactus has the Class 3000 ability to endow others with a portion of his power transforming ordinary beings into super-beings with Power rank ability. Even his heralds, whom he has endowed with a small fraction of his ever-renewing power, are able to manipulate matter and energy in ways far beyond human comprehension. Initial abilities and Powers no higher than Shift Z (objects as well). Galactus can magnify, reduce, or negate and has total control over those Powers he has given a target. He can amplify someone’s existing Powers by +4CS, even if he was not the source. He can reduce a subject Powers any amount, all the way to Shift-0. The changes are permanent until Galactus changes them.
Power Control (Magnification/Reduction/Negation): Galactus has total control over those powers he may have given a target. He can amplify someone’s existing powers by 4CS, even if he was not the source of that power. He can reduce a subject’s powers any amount, all the way to Shift-0. Such changes are permanent; only Galactus can reverse his changes.
Serial Immortality: If Galactus’ body should be destroyed while he still has a sufficient cosmic energy reserve, his machines can draw in his lifeforce and recreate his body. He must have at least two points of Health for this to occur.
Telepathy: Galactus is telepathic, able to scan the thoughts of any mind he has yet encountered, no matter how alien or advanced it was with Unearthly ability.
Cosmic Awareness: As a powerful cosmic being, Galactus has Class 1000 Cosmic Awareness and can perceive in a limited manner the state of the universe.
Galactus possesses the following powers, each at Class 3000 Intensity. However, each use of these powers costs Galactus 10 points of Karma, and each use at an intensity above Unearthly also costs him 50 points of Health.
Bio-energy Vampirism:
Psionic Vampirism:
Energy Vampirism:
Absorption Power:
Energy Conversion:
Elemental Conversion:
Molecular Conversion:
Elemental Creation:
Molecular Creation:
Costume: Alien materials which contain and control his Power Cosmic and Hunger (see limitations)
Transportation: Teleportation, telepathic, the Star Spanning Sphere, and sometimes Taa 2 itself.
Galactus carries an array of technological devices of his own design.
Special Weaponry: Worldship can destroy and siphon planetary energies, within it is the Ultimate Nullifier, a device capable of destroying the universe entire, which Galactus safeguards.
Ultimate Nullifier: The Ultimate Nullifier is an artifact of unimaginable power that is kept aboard Galactus's starbase, Taa II. In an alternate reality, The Ultimate Nullifier was shown to be capable to nullify or obliterate the existence of any thing the wielder of the device could fully conceive of. The Ultimate Nullifier clearly possesses sufficient power to invoke fear and awe in even the mighty Galactus! It has only been used twice in this reality. Once by Quasar against The Magus and most recently by the psychopathic herald of Galactus, Morg, The Executioner. The Silver Surfer and Morg escaped but Tyrant and Galactus were caught in the blast. The Nullifier could be used by a single entity only once, however, since the act of nullification destroyed the wielder as well as the target.
VS each one of these, individually:
F MN(75)
A IN(40)
S ShZ(500)
E CL1000
R ShY(300)
I ShZ(500)
P ShY(250)
Health: 1615
Karma: 1050
Resources: MN
Popularity: 0 (-1000 in Pre-Crisis Universe)
Occupation: Destroyer of Universes
Energy Manipulation: The Anti-Monitor has the ability to channel and manipulate vast amounts of cosmic power, with Shift Z(500) ability, and line of sight range. He may release blasts of up to Shift Z (500) Intensity.
Energy Form: Without his Containment Suit, the Anti-Monitor’s energy is discorpeal, held together only by his will; to avoid dissipating, the Anti-Monitor must make a Psyche FEAT each round until he can regain his Containment Suit (See Equipment). If attacked in this state, the Anti-Monitor takes full damage and must make a Psyche FEAT roll to avoid dispersal.
Growth: Shift Z Growth Sealed Systems: Class 1000 Ability to survive in any environment
Anti-Matter Machinery: The Anti-Monitor destroyed the multiverse with machines that release an ever-expanding wave of Anti-Matter that destroys any positive matter it contacts, down to the molecular level at Class 1000 ability. The energies are then absorbed into the Monitor’s Containment Suit (See Below)
Containment Suit: In addition to providing Shift Z (500) protection from both Physical and Energy attacks, the Anti-Monitor’s Armor has Energy Absorption abilities of Shift Z intensity. These energies fuel his powers and at the culmination of Crisis on Infinite Earths, the Anti-Monitor’s had absorbed enough energy to receive a +1CS to all physical stats and raising his Energy powers to Class 1000
Results: Anti-Monitor hits for two shots, -8 health to Galactus (Shift-X invulnerability makes him nearly impossible to hurt). Galactus fires a disruption beam which increases A-M's energy powers +1CS (energy absorption by A-M suit). Galactus' 2nd shot is a cosmic energy shot of class 3000, which does 2000 points damage to Anti-Monitor. A-M dead. Galactus wins.
Phantom Stranger
F RM(30)
A RM(30)
S TY(6)
E ShZ(500)
R UN(100)
I ShY(200)
P ShY(300)
Health: 560
Karma: 600
Resources: ShY(200)
Popularity: 0
Occupation: Advocator, possibly a fallen angel
Sorcery: The full limits of the Phantom Stranger’s powers are undocumented, but his Mystic abilities allow him to duplicate any superhuman power with at least CL1000 ability. Awareness: The Stranger has Unearthly Awareness of the State of the Universe
Immortality: The Phantom Stranger does not age and it is unknown whether he can truly die.
Results: Phantom initiative. Boosts all FASE to 1000, health 4000. 2 psycho blast missed. Galactus increase FASE +1CS, Galactus perceives PS true nature, Galactus miss cosmic blast. PS initiative, activates mental invisibility at Class 1000. PS mentally invisible to Galactus. Psycho blast only takes away -1CS to Galactus. PS tries death field and hit for a red result, Galactus loses all health except 1 pt. Galactus intuition roll misses, then hits. Cosmic energy blast reduces 3000 health off PS. PS advantage death field takes out 1/2 pt of damage. 2nd death filed takes out 1/4 pt damage. Phantom Stranger boosts true invulnerability to class 1000. Galactus perceives PS with intuition roll. Hit twice with class 3000 cosmic energy (but reduced to only 2 pts due to true invulnerability). PS hits with a final death field. Galactus is defeated.
F UN(100)
A AM(50)
S MN(80)
E ShY(200)
R AM(50)
I ShY(300)
P ShX(150)
Health: 430
Karma: 500
Resources: CL1000
Popularity: 0
Real Name: Jim Corrigan
Occupation: Angel of Vengeance, Former Police Officer, Former Private Detective
The Wrath of God: The Spectre possesses immense Reality Manipulation powers although because of its vengeful nature, the Divine Powers keep the Spectre is on a short leash. Under ordinary circumstances, the Spectre may duplicate any Power at Unearthly intensity. Under special circumstances, (Red Psyche FEAT) the Spectre’s full Wrath may be unleashed, he may boost this ability to CL2000 for 10 to 20 turns.
Awareness: The Spectre has CL3000 awareness of the state of the Universe.
Dimensional Travel: CL1000
Animate Objects: Unearthly ability to animate inanimate objects
Aura of Fear: The Spectre may project an Aura of Fear with Unearthly ability
Dispersal: Amazing
Fog: Unearthly intensity ability to generate fog
Growth: Unearthly Growth
Illusion: The Spectre may cast illusions of Unearthly intensity
Invisibility: Unearthly
Intangible Form: As a reincarnated spirit, the Spectre is naturally intangible and immune to all forms of non-magical physical attack at Shift Z (500) intensity. Magical and Psionic attacks affect him normally.
Magic Sense: Shift Z ability to sense magical forces and magical beings
Mind Probe: The Spectre may probe the minds of others with Shift Y ability
Spirit Travel: Shift Z ability to travel in Astral Form.
Weakness: The Spectre is susceptible to the Spear of Longinus. The Spear is made of Unearthly material and strikes for Amazing edged damage.
Results: tbd
F MN(75)
A IN(40)
S CL1000
E CL3000
R CL1000
I CL1000
P CL1000
Health: 4115
Karma: 3000
Resources: CL3000
Popularity: -500
Real Name: Imperiex-Prime
Occupation: Destroyer of Galaxies
Energy Manipulation: Wielding the power of the Big Bang itself, Imperiex-Prime is able to manipulate all forms of energy with Class 3000 ability. The full range of his abilities has never been fully catalogued but it may be assumed that he could duplicate any superhuman power at Power-rank intensity.
Imperiex Armor: Imperiex is a discorporeal energy being that wears a suit of body armor to give him form.
The Imperiex armor provides Shift-X protection from physical and energy attacks. Any time his armor takes damage, besides normal Health deductions, Imperiex must make a green Endurance FEAT, or else his energies start to disperse, losing- 1CS from all Powers and Abilities each round until he patches his armor or his Health score reaches 0
NOTE: Should Imperiex’ Armor be destroyed, he still retains consciousness and may still utilize his powers at –4CS until his energy is completely dispersed and his Health score is reduced to 0
Energy Siphon: Imperiex maintains his energies with machines that drain energy from galactic bodies such as planets and stars with CL3000 ability. Use of these machines cause a CL1000 rift in the space-time continuum wherever they are employed.
Results: Galactus initiative, hit from Galactus with class 3000 energy, 2850 health drain on Imperiex. Galactus power boost to +1Cs all his FASE, and activate Shift-X force field. Imperiex has 3 misses on 3 shots. Galactus initiative. Hit with a class 1000 disintegration and Imperiex armor is destroyed. Imperiex is now discorporeal. Imperiex tries a mind wipe but he's operating at -4CS because of destroyed armor. 3 misses. Imperiex initiative. 3 mind wipe attempts, no hits. Cosmic energy blast from Galactus. Imperiex dead. (Retrospect: Imperiex could have won this, if the mind wipes would have been used before the destruction of his armor).
Independent of its host, the Parallax Entity has the following stats:
F EX(20)
A EX(20)
S GD(10)
E ShZ(500)
R UN(100)
I UN(100)
P ShZ(500)
Health: 560
Karma: 550
Empathic Projection: Unearthly (100) ability to induce fear. The victim must make a Psyche FEAT against the power’s intensity or else they become susceptible to the Parallax Entity’s Mind Control and Possession powers
Energy/Force Manipulation: The Parallax Entity has Energy/Force Manipulation powers similar to the Guardians, at Monstrous(75) intensity
Mind Control: The Parallax Entity has Unearthly (100) Mind Control, although it is dependant upon successfully inducing fear in the victim (Empathic Projection attack)
Control: Unearthly ability to take control of someone's body after a red result with an Empathic Projection attack. Once control is established, Parallax is bonded to the victim with a Class 1000 bond.
Results: Galactus initiative. He fires an energy bolt, hit a bullseye for 3000 energy, Parallax is blasted into non-existence.