"Dice don't lie"

Both men broke away from the Legends that trained them to become their own man. Both warriors. Both unafraid. Both masters in hand fighting.
Fighting IN 40
Agility IN 40
Strength GD 10
Endurance RM 30
Reason EX 20
Intuition RM 30
Psyche RM 30
Health 120
Karma 80
The following should not be considered a power as it falls more under the auspice of "Training".
Stealth: Excellent
Uniform: Nightwing's costume is made of a version of the Nomex fire-resistant, triple-weave Kevlar-lined material. His costume protects against damage, but it is also light sensitive and darkens when there is more light in the area.
Excellent Body Armor vs. physical attacks; Good vs. energy attacks.
Blending: The suit is light-adaptive providing Remarkable Blending abilities and +1CS on Stealth
A security measure in the suit emits a Excellent damage, low-amperage electrical charge, when one attempts to tamper with either the boots, gauntlets, or both.
Mask: His mask is fixed in place with spirit gum. It contains:
Starlite nightvision lenses providing Remarakble Ultra-vision
A radio receiver/transceiver.
An inertial navigation unit.
Gauntlets: Nightwing does not use a Utility Belt, but his gauntlets and boots each contain eight compartments in which he can store items. Nightwing's gauntlets and boots have a self-destruct feature built into them, similar to the on in Batman's Utility Belt. Each gauntlet's sections can contain a wide array of equipment, such as:
Wingdings: Nightwing's own variant of the spinning Batarang, cast in his preferred symbol. They are razor sharp and a little smaller than normal Batarangs. Can be thrown 2 areas and inflict Excellent edged damage.
Smoke Pellets: Excellent intensity, 1-area radius. All in the affected area at -2 CS to performing actions.
Knockout Gas Capsules: Remarkable intensity, 1-area radius. Those in the affected area must make Endurance FEAT or pass out for 2 hrs. and lose their memory of the 5 min. preceding exposure.
Stun Bomb: Remarkable intensity, 1-area radius. Those in the affected area must make Endurance FEAT or pass out for 2 hrs.
Monofilament Jumpline: Slows user's fall the further he descends. Remarkable strength, supports 400 lbs. indefinitely and 800 lbs. for shorter periods.
Automatic Swing Lines: These swing lines are located on the underside of his forearm, with their access port located at the base of his palm. To activate these lines, pressure is applied to the outside of the forearm (the blue section), which then triggers the lines firing mechanism which fires a grappling hook that snaps open after firing and clamps shut once the button at its joint hits its target up to 10 areas and can be used to swing up to three areas.
Remarkable material strength
Remarkable shooting damage when used as a weapon
Escrima Sticks: Located on the back of his costume are a pair of escrima sticks. These black, foot long, solid, cylinders are used as both offensive and defensive weapons. They are made from Incredible strength material which he may wield or throw for Excellent blunt damage.
Boots: Like the gauntlets, his boots carry equipment vital for a night's heroics. Located here are:
Flares: Excellent brightness
Rebreather: Allows Remarkable protection for freedom of operation under exposure to any airborne noncontact toxins. Provides oxygen for 2 hrs.
Mini-Computer: 2 1/2 by 3 1/2 inches in size. Operates as a standard personal computer in game terms. Equipped with fax modem, GPS system, and minidisk rewritable drive.
Other incidentals: Keys, money, lockpicks, first aid kit, mini-cellphone, antitoxin assortment, signal flares, wireless listening devices, small halogen flashlight.
Acrobatics, Tumbling, Detective/Espionage, Martial Arts-all, Wrestling, Detective(+3CS), Disquise/Actor, Resist Domination, Marksman, Weaponsmaster, Computers, Forensics, Psychology, Kit bashing, Pilot: Helicopters to Jet Fighters, Escape Artist, Leadership, Tracking, Medicine, First-Aid, Law, Law-Enforcement, Criminology, Engineering, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Electronics, Military, Thief, Vehicles, Weapon Specialist: Escrima Sticks, Thrown Weapons, Computers, Wrestling, Criminology, Leadership, Repair/Tinkering, Languages: English, French, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Mandarin, Cantonese
Fighting IN 40
Agility IN 40
Strength EX 20
Endurance RM 30
Reason EX 20
Intuition RM 30
Psyche RM 30
Health 130
Karma 90
*Regeneration: TYP (.5 pts per round)
*Cyborg Arm- Cyborg Arm- An Incredible strength material (Osmium/Vibranium) which gives the Winter soldier RM (35) strength in his left arm.
*Armor: His uniform is made of micro-chainmail and insulated, and provides EX protection from heat and cold, GD protection against edged and shooting attacks, and GD resistance to impact/physical punishment. Night vision goggles- EX vision in fog, dark or smoke.
*Equipment- Assault rifle, fires 1 burst per round, 20 damage per burst, 10 bursts per magazine.
Micro bombs- RM 30 damage to 1 area.
Smoke grenades- fills 1 area, all FEATS at -2CS unless special vision is employed vs RM intensity.
The Winter soldier also carries a variety of offensive weapons including firearms (max damage EX), Shrurikens (EX material str, GD 10 thrown edged damage) and knives (EX strength material, GD 10 edged damage).
*Talents- Weapons Specialist: Arm, Marksman, All Martial Arts, Military, Acrobatics, Tumbling
ROUND 1- Initiative Winter soldier. He fires two rifle shots, one hit, one miss. Nightwing takes no damage as his suit protects him. Nightwing fires his grappling line for a bullseye. Winter soldier is entangled by RM strength line. Dick runs over to him.
ROUND 2- Initiative Nightwing. He clubs WS with his escrima stick and causes 20 damage. He misses the 2nd shot. WS can't break the line on the first try. He tries to headbutt Dick. He misses.
ROUND 3- Initiative Winter Soldier. He tries to break the line 2x and fails. Dick attacks with escrima stick. He hurts and stuns WS. Stunned for 1 round and health 90.
ROUND 4- WS is stunned. Two escrima stick attacks later, WS has lost an additional 40 points. Health 50.
ROUND 5- Initiative WS. Soldier breaks the bonds. He punches Dick in the face. Loss of 35 health, now at 95. He flies across the arena and hits the barrier, taking another 30 damage. For a health of 65.
ROUND 6- Initiative Winter Soldier. WS fires his rifle. Bullseye hit. Another shot. It's a kill shot (head shot). Dick loses 20 pts and one END rank. Nightwing drops a knockout gas capsule. Both guys pass out for 2 hours. Dick gets back 20 pts health, WS gets back 30 health.
ROUND 7- Initiative Winter soldier. WS charges at Dick. He misses. His punch hits for loss of 10 health for Nightwing. Bullseye head shot for Nightwing, 20 pts off health for WS.
ROUND 8- Initiative Winter soldier. He punches Dick in the face (bullseye) for 35 damage. Dick is now at 20 health. Dick takes a second hit for a body shot for 15 damage. He's at 5 health. Dick runs, spins and fires the grappling line. He misses.
ROUND 9- Initiative Nightwing. He places his rebreather over his face and drops a knockout capsule. Soldier is out for 2 hours. He could beat him with a stick for 2 hours, but spends the time resting and recovers 30 health. He tries to shake Winter Soldier's hand when he wakes up. Winter Soldier suckerpunches him with his cyborg arm and wins the match.