"Dice don't lie"

One control freak, one uncontrollable freak.
Killgrave, the sadistic sociopath. Madcap, a chemically altered, insane, disaffected youth who asks 'What's the reason for doing anything?'
A battle to the death with two adversaries that refuse to die.
Fighting PR 4
Agility TY 6
Strength TY 6
Endurance TY 6
Reason TY 6
Intuition EX 20
Psyche MN 75
Health 22
Karma 101
Mind Control: Unearthly ability to control the emotional outlook (emotion control, L4) outlook of up to 100 people at a time. Affected people will happily do anything he suggests.
Fighting GD 10
Agility EX 20
Strength GD 10
Endurance EX 20
Reason TY 6
Intuition RM 30
Psyche RM 30
Health 60
Karma 66
Regeneration and Recovery: Madcap has Shift-Y Regeneration and Recovery Powers, and is able to regain 20 points of health in a single round. Madcap cannot be slain, and may attempt to regain lost Endurance by a FEAT roll every ten rounds. Stun results against him are considered Slams and, considering his Recovery abilities, Madcap never spends Karma to make Endurance FEAT rolls.
Emotion control: Madcap has a specialized form of emotion control that operates at Unearthly level. To make this form of emotional attack Madcap must make eye contact with his target (to this end he wears garish clothing and uses "weapons" such as a bubble gun to attract attention). The target must make an Intuition FEAT, with failure resulting in the character acting crazy for 10 rounds plus 1-10 rounds. In game terms, inform players that their characters are pleasantly looney, and award Karma for good role-playing. While under the effects of Madcap's Power, the affected heroes may not engage in combat, but may find themselves in dangerous situations as a result of their actions (tap-dancing up the on-ramp of an interstate may prove perilous). If the character succeeds with the FEAT, he is still light-headed and performs all FEATS at -1CS for the next 1-10 rounds.
ROUND 1- Madcap with initiative. He makes eye contact with Killgrave. Killgrave somehow resists the effects of the eye contact. Killgrave attempts to control Madcap and succeeds. He commands Madcap to smash himself into the wall barrier. Madcap does and suffers 20 points damage.
ROUND 2- Madcap recovers 20 health points. Killgrave commands him to repeatedly slam himself into the wall barrier. He does and each round tries to break free of Killgrave's control. It takes Madcap 2 rounds. Each round he recovers the health he lost.
ROUND 5- Initiative Killgrave. Killgrave attempts to control Madcap and succeeds. He commands Madcap to smash himself into the wall barrier. The process repeats for 9 more rounds until Madcap breaks free.
ROUND 14- Initiative Madcap. He gains control of Killgrave, who starts acting loony for 7 rounds. Madcap smashes him in the face with his fist. Killgrave loses 10 points.
ROUND 15- Madcap misses his attack, but connects with a hit a possible STUN in round 16. Killgrave loses 20 points health and slumps to health 0. Madcap with the win!