"Dice don't lie"

Just how powerful is Captain Atom? Stronger than Superman? More powerful than the Green Lantern Hal Jordan? We're going to find out, when he goes head to head with the anti-matter powered Blue Marvel!
Fighting EX 20
Agility RM 30
Strength SHIFT X 150
Endurance SHIFT X 150
Reason RM 30
Intuition RX 20
Psyche IN 40
Health 350
Karma 90
Anti-Matter Energy Absorption: Class 1000.
* Body Resistance: Unearthly (100) protection
* Invulnerabilities: Class 1000 vs. Heat, Cold, Disease, Toxins, Radiation and Anti-matter.
* Self-Sustenance: Able to survive in a vacuum.
* Cosmic Awareness: Monstrous (75) cosmic senses:
--Enhanced Senses (All five senses): Amazing (50).
--Microscopic Vision: Unearthly (100) ability.
--X-Ray Vision: Amazing (50)
* Anti-Matter Manipulation: Unearthly (100) ability. He has the following power stunts:
--Force Bolts: Up to Unearthly (100) Force, 10 areas
--Stun Bolts: Excellent (20) damage.
--Energy Pulse: Unearthly (100) anti-matter 2 areas.
* Flight: Class 1000, Shift-Z (500) speed in atmo.
* Regeneration: Amazing (50).
* Lightning Speed: Unearthly (100) speed.
* Energy and Matter manipulation: Monstrous (75) rearrangement of molecular or energy structures of a being, healing or hurting them.
Kadesh: Located in the Mariana Trench. Kadesh has a computer scanning abilities and facilities for holding "Thanos-level" threats.
Scholar of Physics (+2 C/S), Electronics, Engineering, Military, Martial Arts A and B.
Fighting 40
Agility IN 40
Strength 100
Endurance 75
Reason 10
Intuition 20
Psyche 30
Health 225
Karma 60
Body Coating-Quantum Metal: Captain Atom has Amazing ability to coat his body at will with the alien alloy that is part of his body. As a power stunt Captain Atom is able to reflect an energy attack back to it's source with Incredible (40) ability when needed.
Energy Absorption: Captain Atom can absorb up to Class 1000 energy levels. If he absorbs more than Unearthly (100) intensity in a single round, he automatically "quantum jumps" through the time stream.
Shift-X equals 1D10 days
Shift-Y equals 1D10 months
Shift-Z equals 1D10 years
Class 1000 equals 3D10 years
Energy Emission: Captain Atom has held his own in battle with Superman and Firestorm. He has Unearthly ability to project powerful energy or force blasts of quantum energy with line of sight range.
True Flight: Captain Atom can attain Monstrous airspeeds.
Life support: While his Body coating is active Captain Atom does not need air, food, or water to survive. Captain Atom may also exist unprotected in outer space and in harsh environments with Unearthly ability.
Leadership, Military, Martial Arts A, B, Pilot, Trivia: 1960's