"Dice don't lie"
Cosmic dictators who want nothing less than to rule the Universe. Brutal, fearsome killers with no apprehension of wiping out planets, solar systems and even galaxies to facilitate their means and ends.
Fighting MN
Agility RM
Strength SHIFT Y
Endurance CLASS 1000
Reason MN
Intuition IN
Psyche UN
Health 1295
Karma 215
Immortality: As the Power and in all planes. Thanos is currently bared from Death's dimension, by Death itself, and cannot die by any fashion.
Invulnerablity: Thanos has Class 1000 Resistance to Fire, Cold, Electricity, Radiation, Toxins, Corossives and Disease.
True Invulnerability: As the most powerful "Cosmic Eternal", Thanos has Shift-X protection from physical and energy attacks.
Cosmic Energy Control: Thanos can manipulate enourmous quanties of cosmic energy with Shift-Z ability. Thanos regularly uses the follwing Stunts:
Energy Blasts of force or energy with Shift-Z intensity.
Boost any or all physical abilites to Shift-Z for 1-10 rounds.
Raise Body Armor to Shift-Z for 1-10 rounds.
Absorb any form of energy with Shift-Z ability.
Detect any form of energy with Unearthly ability.
Psionic Attack: Psionic Blast of Monstrous intensity.
Life Support: Thanos does not require good, water, sleep, or air to survive and has Class 1000 Life Support.
Teleportation: Thanos can Teleport himself and others with Unearthly ability.
Equipment- The reality gem - Adam Warlock gave it to him for safe keeping. So, he is technically a member of the Infinity Watch. This gem holds sway over reality itself. Perhaps the most difficult gem to explain and / or codify, this powerful artifact allows one to alter, or even ignore, laws of physics as we know them. The probable scope of the reality gem's abilities are listed here:
Reality Manipulation
This far reaching power allows the wielder of the reality gem to muck with the laws of reality themselves. The gem may modify or repeal aspects of a causality as he see fits. Any changes made will last for a maximum number of turns equal to the power rank, unless the gem wielder is specifically concentrating on maintaining the alteration. When the change is no longer maintained, normal reality will bounce back into place at once. This will only be a change affecting a single person, object, or (small) location.
Includes aspects of the following powers (all Class 1000):
Molecular Creation / Conversion
Matter Animation,
Probability Manipulation,
most of the power control and rule bending powers,
and most other powers not covered by the other infinity gems
Martial Arts B, Wrestling, Engineering, Chemistry, Biology, Genetics, Physics, Computers, Electronics among many others.
Fighting AM
Agility IN
Strength UN
Endurance UN
Reason MN
Intuition MN
Psyche UN
Health 290
Karma 190
Continuum Control: With this power Darkseid is able to tinker with the nature of matter and control the space/time continuum at Class 1000 rank. Darkseid may perform more actions than are normally permitted, as long as all the excess actions are mimicked powers. The power rank number is distributed among the mimicked powers. He can mimic the following powers with continuum control:
Electrical Generation: Class 1000 rank
Damage Transferal: Class 1000 rank
Disruption: Class 1000 rank
Time Travel: Class 1000 rank
Teleportation: Class 1000 rank
Regathering: Class 1000 rank
Body Transformation: Class 1000
He has developed the ability to temporarily increase the rank of his Strength, Endurance or any other power by 500 points. He can automatically retain the enhanced state for 1-10 game turns, but he must make a Psyche FEAT each turn beyond that to retain the enhancement.
Dimension Travel: Class 1000 rank
The Omega Effect: Darkseid's most terrifying power is the "Omega Effect". These potent beams of energy project from his eyes and can lock on and trace their chosen targets. When the beams do inevitably connect, they produce one of any number of effects, ranging from disintegration to teleporting the target across time and space and can even reach out into other dimensions.
Omega Beams: The Omega Beams can either disintegrate it's target or steal it's life force for future reanimation on under Darkseid's control at Class 1000 intensity.
Regeneration: Incredible
True Invulnerability: Unearthly
ROUND 1- Darkseid has initiative and fires the Omega beams. The beams travel to Thanos and fizzle out. Thanos stands silent. Darkseid shrinks to 1/10th his original size.
ROUND 2: Thanos bends over and picks up Darkseid in his hand. Thanos squeezes the ruler of Apokolips, crushing and killing him.
The Grandmaster declares Thanos the winner. Thanos deactivates the Reality stone, returning Darkseid to life and telling him "you may go."