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Criminal masterminds at the top of their craft. One an insane sociopath obsessed with besting his arch rival, the other a cultured businessman with a brutal, murderous undertone, and an obsessive drive to own his city. Both men are dangerously lethal with no reservations about killing as the need arises.



Fighting IN 40

Agility GD 10

Strength EX 20

Endurance IN 40

Reason EX 20

Intuition EX 20

Psyche EX 20

Health 110

Karma 60


Body Resistance: Through his disciplined fighting regime, Kingpin is largely muscle, not fat. He has the equivilent of Poor (4) body armor.



Cane: He usually carries a walking stick made from Remarkable materials containing a 3 shot laser with a range of 2 areas capable of inflicting Excellent damage. The walking stick also carries 2 doses of Amazing intensity knockout gas that fills the immediate area. Endurance FEAT is required or sleep for 1-10 hours.

Diamond Pin Stick: Kingpin wears a diamond encrusted pin on his lapel. This is capable of injecting a single dose of sleep poison of Amazing intensity.

Other weapons with Amazing abilities​


Martial Arts B + Wrestling +3CS to hit when wrestling and +1CS damage.

Martial Arts A, C, Business/Finance


Fighting GD 10

Agility TY 6

Strength GD 10

Endurance EX 20

Reason IN 40

Intuition EX 20

Psyche EX 20

Health 46

Karma 80




Acid Flower Body: Incredible intensity acid

Electric Joy Buzzer: Amazing electrical generation (contact only)

Joker Venom Ring: Remarkable intensity Poison Touch

Tommy Gun: RM shooting damage



Performer: Actor, Engineering, Martial Arts A and C, Chemistry



ROUND 1- They materialize at opposite ends of the arena. Joker initiative. He fires the Tommy gun. He misses. Kingpin fires back with his laser cane. He hits. Joker takes 20 points damage. Kingpin rushes him and grabs at him. Miss.

ROUND 2- Both combatants at melee distance now. Kingpin initiative. He wacks Joker with his cane. Joker tries dodge but is still hit. Joker takes 30 damage and slumps down at health 0. Game over. 

Original content (C) Copyright 2017 by Deen Gill

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