"Dice don't lie"

Two of the worst characters in comic book history. Two spectacularly lame antagonists. One, a disco dancing foe of Spiderman. Yep. The other, a do-gooder of questionable ability and motivation. Both horrifyingly feckless in their concepts. Help. Me. Stan.
Fighting TY 6
Agility GD 10
Strength TY 6
Endurance GD 10
Reason EX 20
Intuition TY 6
Psyche GD 10
Health 32
Karma 36
Hypno-Disco: Hypno-Hustler has a conventional discotheque's sound system that plays evil subliminal messages designed to make dancers into his willing slaves, EX intensity Mind Control (targets resist by Psyche FEAT). The mind control could be readily broken by splashing water in a victim's face, and prevented by blocking one's hearing.
Guitar: made of steel and wood that can deliver TY blunt force damage.
Ugly Disco Get-Up: While Hypno-Hustler's outfit didn't really have any special abilities, it was a Disco Suit. His boots can emit knockout gas on demand (GD intensity), and have retractable knives in the soles (TY edged damage).
Electronics, Disco Dance
Fighting EX 20
Agility GD 10
Strength EX 20
Endurance RM 30
Reason TY 6
Intuition EX 20
Psyche EX 20
Health 80
Karma 46
Anatomical Separation (EX)- AFBO can split his body up into pieces without damaging his original body or the individual piece. In this case, he can remove and reattach his arms. The arms are not able to move independently, but are able to be used as clubs, delivering EX blunt damage.
AFBO is a weapon master using his arms as clubs, giving him a +1CS to fighting when engaged in melee combat.
ROUND 1- AFOB with initiative, he pulls off an arm and swings at HH. HH attempts a block with his guitar but misses. AFOB also misses. Hustler starts a disco tune. AFOB barely makes a Psyche FEAT to resist.
ROUND 2- HH with initiative, swings his guitar at AFOB and misses. AFOB swings an arm at HH, connecting for 20 pts damage. Hustler at 12 points health. AFBO swings again (RM fighting 2 attacks per round) and Huster is no more.
Arm Fall Off Boy wins!