"Dice don't lie"

Storm, Starfire, Wanda and Powergirl- some of comic's heaviest female hitters. But who wins in a fatal 4-way? No warning, no prep as the combatants are randomly whisked away by the GrandMaster, and forced to fight (no one released) until a victor is declared! Opponents must be reduced to health 0 for a contestant to secure the victory (rendering unconscious by chemical means is not enough). The arena is 132' x 132' x 132' high surrounded by a Galactus level forcefield, with an AM 50 buffer. The buffer will hurt contestants if they are slammed into it, and unable to sustain an AM 50 blunt force attack.
Fighting RM 30
Agility RM 30
Strength UN 100
Endurance MN 75
Reason EX 20
Intuition EX 20
Psyche IN 40
Health 235
Karma 80
Enhanced Hearing: Excellent
Enhanced Vision: Excellent
True Flight: Monstrous
True Invulnerability: Monstrous
Self Sustenance: She is able to survive the vacuum of space and the depth of the ocean
Hyper Speed: Excellent (able to move 20x faster or slow others down at 20x)
Kara has a susceptibility to Nutra-sweet (a sugar substitute used in diet soda) that affects her temperament
Talents- Mystic Origin, Business/Finance, Computers
Wanda Django Maximoff
Fighting GD 10
Agility GD 10
Strength TY 6
Endurance RM 30
Reason GD 10
Intuition RM 30
Psyche IN 40
Health 56
Karma 80
Probability Field Alteration: Wanda can disrupt probabilities to make unlikely events occur with MN 75 ability, this can range from combustion of flammable objects to vehicle crashes etc. She has a -1CS when attempting to influence unnatural materials.
Eldritch: Wanda is a mystical adept with the following established powers:
Detect Mystical: AM 50
Eldritch Bolts: IN 40
Shields: IN 40
Telekinesis: EX 20
Flight: GD 10
Mystic Senses: RM 30
Weather Manipulation: RM 30
Talents- Mystic Background, Languages: English, French, Latin, Martial Arts A
Fighting EX 20
Agility RM 30
Strength RM 30
Endurance IN 40
Reason GD 10
Intuition EX 20
Psyche EX 20
Health 120
Karma 50
True Flight: Starfire's genetic makeup allows her to naturally fly at Amazing airspeeds. When she does, her long hair creates a trail behind her, that dissipates soon after her passing.
Solar Energy Absorption: Starfire's skin absorbs energy from exposure to the sun. She is a living solar battery. She can store 500 points of energy that can be used to power a variety of powers. If away from sunlight she uses this store to power the following powers. Exposure to the sun regenerates this energy at a rate of 50 points per turn. Starfire can use this energy to power the following abilities:
Energy Emission-Solar: Starfire can fire solar energy bolts from her hands, called 'starbolts' capable of causing Amazing damage. These bolts powered by exposure to a sun
Solar Sustenance: Koriand'r draws nourishment directly from the sun. She can go for 22 hours without the need for nourishment and survive the rigors of deep space.
Solar Regeneration: Starfire possesses the ability to regenerate MN (75) rank health per turn when she is in direct sunlight.
Talents- Aerial Combat, Martial Arts E, Leadership
Ororo Munroe
Fighting RM 30
Agility RM 30
Strength TY 6
Endurance AM 50
Reason GD 10
Intuition RM 30
Psyche RM 30
Health 116
Karma 70
Weather Control: Monstrous
Flight: Excellent, up to 5 passengers
Protection from the weather: Amazing
Weather Prediction: Amazing
Create fog: Amazing intensity & thickness
Lightning Bolts: Monstrous
Create Amazing strength winds, cyclones etc.
Reduce weather effects with Amazing abilities, failure will mean effects will increase
Talents- Leadership, Resist Domination, Lock picking, Sleight of Hand, Escapology, Knives, Guns, Aerial Combat, Martial Arts A C, Multi-Lingual: Russian, English, Kenyan
ROUND 1- Initiative Wanda, then Powergirl, Storm and Starfire. All 4 girls fly. Wanda detects no mystical characters, and blasts Powergirl with an eldritch bolt. Powergirl dodges too late. Hit for 40 pts off health to 195. Powergirl fires back. Wanda throws probability field. Powergirl charges. She misses and hits the barrier. No damage. Storm fogs the arena with a AM (50) fog. Everyone fighting at -1CS now. Storm attacks Powergirl with a MN 75 lightning bolt. Storm barely hits but it is enough. Powergirl invulnerability keeps health at 195. Storm fires at Starfire. Starfire dodges, but Storm hits a bullseye. 45 health for Kori. She flies to the edge of the barrier, but the fog is challenging her solar recharge. She attempts a power FEAT and connects. 75 health recharge. She is at full power and POed. She fires at Storm. Hit. Storm is at 56 health.
ROUND 2- Storm, Starfire, Wanda, Powergirl. Storm fires up an AM 50 tornado. The fog clears. Storm is unaffected. Starfire stays aloft. Wanda lands. Powergirl stays aloft. Storm fires a lightning bolt at Kori. Hit. Kori flies up to the edge of the barrier, and fires back. Bullseye. Storm is hurt (6 health). She lands. Wanda waits. Powergirl flies at her. Wanda evades. Powergirl slams into the barrier, but is not hurt. Starfire recharges.
ROUND 3- Starfire, Storm, Wanda, Powergirl. Wanda throws up a probability field for Storm. Kori hits the field and it returns her energy at her. Kori loses 50 pts health. Wanda fires an eldritch bolt at Kori, but misses. Powergirl lands. She fires two punches at Wanda. Wanda throws up probability field. The first punch misses, the second one hits. Wanda collapses, Health 0. Kori recharges.
ROUND 4- Initiative Powergirl, Storm, Kori. Powergirl files at Storm and connects for 75 damage. She tries to punch Storm and misses. Storm fires a lightning bolt and hits, but no damage. Kori backs up and fires at Powergirl. Hit, but no damage on Powergirl. Kori recharges.
ROUND 5- Starfire with initiative, then Storm and Powergirl. Kori powers up for a massive starbolt (class 250, taking half her energy). She hits but barely. Powergirl's invulnerability reflects all but 6 points. Storm fires lightning at Powergirl and hits, but no damage. Powergirl flies to Kori and tries to hit her twice. A direct hit. Kori takes 100 damage, and is slammed back into the barrier for 50 more damage. The damage overwhelms her and she slips to health 0.
ROUND 6- Storm with with initiative, then Powergirl. Storm blasts her with a class 150 lightning bolt. She hits Powergirl but only for 4 points damage and the strain is too much for Storm. She slips to health 0. Powergirl wins.