"Dice don't lie"

Two ultra-acrobatic warriors. The Dark Knight vs the Man Without Fear. Both boys lost their dads, both boys grew into men that would fight oppressors trying to terrorize their cities. Is the billyclub wielding skill of the man with radar enough to take out Gotham's Avenger?
Fighting IN 40
Agility IN 40
Strength GD 10
Endurance EX 20
Reason GD 10
Intuition MN 75
Psyche RM 30
Health 110
Karma 115
Enhanced Senses: Monstrous, Overloading these senses reduces his Intuition by -1CS. Any FEAT against specific attacks are -2CS. Murdock uses his enhanced hearing in a power stunt to determine if someone is lying (by listening to their heartbeat) with Amazing ability. He can also track by a specific odor with Monstrous ability.
Radar Sense: Has developed an omnidirectional sense that operates as primitive radar. He can "see" 3-D images up to 3 areas away regardless of light conditions. Rapid movements and chaotic conditions reduce the power and Intuition by -2CS. Daredevil cannot be blindsided.
Billy Club: IN 40 material that he wields or throws for EX blunt damage. With a successful Agility FEAT, Daredevil can ricochet his Billy Club off a number of hard surfaces and back to him. It shoots a line that lets him swing at 3 areas per round.
Costume: Good protection vs Physical.
Murdock is blind and is unaffected by light-based attacks, illusions, and hypnosis.
Law, Acrobatics, Martial Arts A and B, Weapon Specialist-Billy Club (MN 75)
Fighting AM 50
Agility IN 40
Strength EX 20
Endurance RM 30
Reason IN 40
Intuition IN 40
Psyche AM 50
Health 140
Karma 130
Powers: None
Uniform: The Batman costume is made of Nomex fire-resistant material and lined with triple-weave Kevlar. His cape is also made of Nomex and triple-weave Kevlar, and its points are weighted for use as an offensive weapon (EX damage). The suit provides: EX Body Armor vs. physical attacks, GD vs. energy attacks. Batman's cowl is a Kevlar-lined helmet with aramid-fiber and exotic-metal threads. Built into the cowl in the forehead, between the eyes, and across the throat are trauma plates for extra protection, impact dissipation, and edged weapon attenuation. The suit is electronically cooled and contains: Starlite nightvision lenses that collects & focuses ambient light, permitting normal vision in any are not completely devoid of light (Remarkable Ultra-vision), A radio receiver/transceiver, An audio processor with voice command equipment, A field of view display projector An inertial GPS system, The costume also has a taser built into hit, which delivers a Excellent, low-amperage electrical shock to anyone who comes into contact with it. This taser is good for one use before needing recharging.
Utility Belt: As Batman, he never goes into action without his utility belt. Equipped with eight pockets of varying size. Failsafe in the belt will cause it to explode (Remarkable damage) and be completely destroyed should the buckle or pouches be opened incorrectly. The utility belt contains a wide array of devices such as:
De-Cel Monofilament Jumpline: Slows user's fall the further he descends. Remarkable strength, supports 400 lbs. indefinitely and 800 lbs. for shorter periods.
Launching Grappling Hook: Fires a hook that snaps open after firing and clamps shut once the button at its joint hits its target. Contains 200 ft. of de-cel cord (above). Wall Penetrating Grappel: Fires diamond-bit piercing darts that can attach to up to Remarkable materials. Contains 200 ft. of thermoplastic line (Incredible strength, can support up to 600 lbs.).
Multifunction Binoculars: Magnifies up to 60 times. Equipped with infrared and limited ultraviolet imaging (-2 CS to darkness modifiers), as well as frame capture, stop-motion camera, and computer uplink. Can be handheld or attached to Batman's cowl by electrostatic clips.
Nerveagent Rated Gas Mask: Contains pullout face protector that seals itself over the nose and mouth opening in Batman's cowl. Allows for normal operation when exposed to nuclear, chemical, and biological toxins, and all forms of nerve gas.
Explosives: Pellet Grenades: Can be attached to surfaces with an internal contact cement reservoir or thrown for a 5-sec. delay. Remarkable EA damage, 12-ft. blast radius. Concussion Grenades: Can be set for explosive or flash-bang detonation and for a delay of 3 sec. to 40 min. Can also be set off by radio remote. Remarkable EA damage, 12 ft. blast radius.
Universal Tool: Used to aid in electronics work. Tip contains various Phillips and flathead screwdrivers, wrenches, lockpicking device, drill bits, and other implements. Inside the base are full lineman's kit, multiline analyzers, cellphone analyzers, and other electrical analysis gear. Can record and play back audio and video signals. Tool can be safely used as a hammer.
Aerosol Sprays: Rapid Room-Filling Fogger: Fills an entire area with Remarkable intensity fog for 10 rounds. Single-use only. Foaming Explosive: Contains 8 oz., detonates when charged electrically. Incredible Edged Attack damage.
Tracer Devices: Burr: Just over an inch wide, attached by foil spring snags on each of its four corners. One-month battery life, 1,500-ft. range Throwing: Less than an inch in diameter, 3-mile range.
Batcuffs: Based on police-issue Ty-Cuffs, these restraint devices are made of sapphire-impregnated nylon with a stranded metal cable center.Considered to have Remarkable material strength.
Batarangs- Folding Batarang: Good Blunt Throwing damage. Four may be folded and carried in a single belt pouch. Close-Quarters Impact Batarang: Excellent Blunt Throwing damage, half standard throwing range.
Capsules: Knockout Gas: Remarkable intensity, 1-area radius. Those in the affected area must make Endurance FEAT or pass out for 2 hrs. and lose their memory of the 5 min. preceding exposure. Regurgitive: Excellent intensity, 1-area radius. Those in the affected area must make Endurance FEAT or become violently ill for 10 rounds. Smoke: Excellent intensity, 1-area radius. All in the affected area at -2 CS to performing actions. Tear Gas: Excellent intensity, 1-area radius. Must make Endurance FEAT or be unable to perform any action until one round after leaving the affected area or 15 minutes (10 minutes if outdoors or in a windy area), whichever comes first.
Taser: Delivers Amazing electrical jolts.
Subsonic Bat Call: Attracts all bats within a 10-mile radius.
Incidentals (normally always carried): Keys, money, lockpicks, first aid kit, mini-cellphone, antitoxin assortment, signal flares, wireless listening devices, small halogen flashlight.
Martial Arts A,B,C,D,E, Wrestling, Acrobatics, Tumbling, Detective(+3CS), Disquise/Actor, Resist Domination, Marksman, Weaponsmaster, Weapon Specialist: Batweapons, Computers, Forensics, Psychology, Kit bashing, Pilot: Helicopters to Jet Fighters, Horsemanship, Escape Artist, Leadership, Tracking, Medicine, First-Aid, Law, Law-Enforcement, Criminology, Engineering, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Biochemistry, Computer Engineer, Electronics, Languages
ROUND 1- Initiative Daredevil. He runs at Batman. Batman drops his starlight lenses in place and fills the dome with his RM blinding fog aerosol. Daredevil is uneffected. Daredevil tries to hit Batman in the face with his billy club. He connects, but the Batsuit absorbs the attack. Two more attempts for Daredevil, one connect, one miss, 0 damage. Batman attacks with his gauntlets. One hit, one miss. Daredevil takes 10 damage.
ROUND 2- Initiative Daredevil. He attacks with his club at the open part of Batman's face mask. Bullseye for 20 damage. 2 more attacks, 2 misses. Batman attacks with his gauntlets. Hit, bullseye and bullseye. Daredevil blocks the hit with his billy club but the two bullseyes do damage, Daredevil is stunned for 5 rounds. Batman cuffs him. The Grandmaster calls the match. Batman wins.