"Dice don't lie"

Doomsday can only be killed once, before he gains invulnerability to that type of attack ever killing him again. Can the Surfer find a way around his incredible defenses to bring down the seemingly unstoppable killer from Krypton?
Silver Surfer
Fighting AM 50
Agility MN 75
Strength UN 100
Endurance UN 100
Reason EX 20
Intuition MN 75
Psyche IN 40
Health 325
Karma 135
Invulnerability: The Surfer can withstand great extremes of temperature caused by the build-up of friction within atmospheres or the vacuum of space or the intense heat and radiation of the surface of stars. The Surfer is also immune to toxins and diseases of all kinds. The Surfer also does not age, though he is not technically immortal in a “godly” sense. Fire, Heat, Cold, Radiation, Toxins, Disease and Aging
Power Conversion: The Surfer has the power to channel cosmic radiation into his body and transform it into useful forms, including sustenance and energy for his other powers.
Ability Boost: The Surfer can augment the strength of his cosmic energy powered body to a degree that rivals the Hulk’s formidable rage-enhanced strength. The Surfer can increase his Agility and Strength to Power rank for 1-10 hours a day. By focusing on one ability, he can raise it to Shift-Z for 1-10 rounds. Raising physical abilities in this way also increases his Health score accordingly. The Surfer can also raise his Body Armor to Shift-Y for 1-10 hours a day or a maximum of Shift-Z for 1-10 rounds a day in this manner.
Plasma Generation: The Surfer can project extremely powerful cosmic energy blast of Unearthly Force or Energy. By channeling cosmic energy to his limit, he can boost this ability to Shift-Z for 1-10 rounds once per day.
Self-Regeneration with Unearthly ability.
Heal Others with Unearthly ability. He cannot restore lost Endurance Ranks.
Detect energy and type anywhere on a planet, with Unearthly ability.
True Flight: Surfer to fly even without his board up to Class 3000 speeds in space and Shift Z max in atmospheres although does so rarely.
Elemental Conversion, Molecular Conversion, and Mechanical Creation: The Surfer can manipulate matter and can rearrange the molecules of matter to create other configurations with Unearthly ability. He cannot, however, create life or living matter from nothing.
Shrinking: The Surfer can use his cosmic energies to allow him to shrink with Class 5000 rank ability, to an extent that allows him to enter the Microverse.
Given the nature and scope of the Power Cosmic, the Surfer may develop other Powers over time.
Body Coating: His body is surrounded by a flexible metallic shell that gives him Monstrous resistance to physical attacks and Unearthly resistance to energy attacks.
Flight: The Surfer can channel cosmic energy enabling him to fly even without his board up to Power rank speeds in space and Shift-Z max in atmospheres. He rarely does so however being that he can fly effortlessly with his cosmic board.
Life Detection: He has the Unearthly ability to detect the presence of life energies within 500 light years.
Energy Detection: Surfer can detect any form of energy with Unearthly ability within 500 light years
Telepathy: He has Good telepathy. This is mostly used to communicate when normal conversation is impossible. It also allows him to rapidly learn a new language.
Postcognition: The Surfer has the Poor ability to see events that occurred up to four weeks ago. He must be at the site of the event in order for this power to work.
Enhanced Senses: The Surfers senses of hearing and sight are vastly superior to most beings. He has proven capable of clearly discerning human sized objects in detail a light year away. Hypersensitive Hearing and Telescopic Vision up to 1 light year away.
Cosmic Awareness: The Surfer has certain cosmic energy enhanced perceptions that surround him. Thus he can tune in to the universe and perceive the presence of powerful cosmic entities with Unearthly rank ability.
Life Support: The Surfer does not require food, water, or air since he absorbs life-maintaining cosmic energy directly through his skin. Although his body does not require sleep, his mind still does in order to give it an opportunity to dream. The Surfer’s mind only requires sleep about once ever earth month in order to maintain a healthy mental state. (Class 1000)
Karmic Tap: This power allows the Surfer to tap into his reservoir of willpower (Karma) and increase his Power Conversion by 1 point for every 2 Karma spent. There is no known limit on his karmic tap abilities. This is limited to the same round in which he spent/converted his karma. Rolling an Red Psyche FEAT roll will permit another round of benefit from the Karma spent. This power is considered a free action, may be done in addition to other actions in the round.
The Silver Surfer’s board is a construct of unknown material. It appears to be made from the same reflective material as the Surfer’s body coating. The board is psionically linked to its owner and can automatically respond to his mental commands. It can travel independent of him and return to him if they are separated. When he rides it, the Surfer’s feet automatically adhere to the board’s upper surface. The board has the following powers:
True Flight: The board can attain Class 5000 speed. Within planetary atmospheres, he moves at Shift-Z speeds.
Dimension Travel: Once its maximum speed is reached, the board can enter hyper-space to quickly reach any section of the universe.
Phasing: The board has the Monstrous ability to render itself and its rider(s) temporarily immaterial. This power is used to enable them to pass through a barrier or to travel through space without risking collision damage with spaceborne particles.
Body Armor: The board has Class 3000 Material Strength.
Martial Arts D, Space Pilot
Fighting UN 100
Agility AM 50
Strength SHIFT Z 500
Endurance SHIFT Z 500
Reason TY 6
Intuition IN 40
Psyche UN 100
Health 1150
Karma 146
Immortality: Doomsday has learned at a genetic level how not to die. He can not be killed.
Invulnerability: Class 1000 resistance to Heat and Cold.
Self Sustenance: Doomsday has developed the ability to survive without needing to breath, eat or even sleep.
True Invulnerability: Shift-X
Claws: Shift-Y edged damage
Bone Growth: Doomsday's hide is covered with external bone growth. He is capable of using these as weapons, inflicting Shift-Y edged damage.
Evolution: Doomsday possesses the ability to develop a Resistance to any power, element, energy source or what have you at Class 1000 ability. Whenever he reaches 0 Health and Shift-0 Endurance whatever killed him becomes his newest addition to his evolution facter at +1CS of the effect. EG: If he dies because he can't breath in an Amazing ranked Argon atmosphere, he revives and gains the Monstrous ability to breathe Argon.
ROUND 1- Surfer flies above the ground. Doomsday leaps to grab him. Surfer avoids the grapple. Surfer hits Doomsday with a class 100 plasma bolt. Doomsday shrugs it off.
ROUND 2- Initiative Surfer. He channels cosmic energy at maximum and fires a class 500 plasma bolt. He hits but Doomsday's invulnerability protects him from most of the damage. Loss of 4 health. Doomsday leaps at Surfer and somehow grabs him out of mid-air. Doomsday begins to squeeze the life out of Surfer. Surfer loses 100 health.
ROUND 3- Surfer shrinks and disappears. Doomsday roars. Surfer enters his mouth, the size of a virus. He begins flying through Doomsday's body, and cuts him apart with class 150 energy blasts, from the inside. Surfer's cosmic awareness allows him to pinpoint the areas most vulnerable to attack. Doomsday begins to falter as his internal structure becomes too unstable. His health drains to 0 as Surfer continues the attack. Silver Surfer wins this match.
Note: because of his evolution powers, Doomsday regains consciousness and health quickly, and has a new class 250 invulnerability to attacks from the inside. He cannot be defeated in this way, ever again.