"Dice don't lie"
JLA vs Avengers- This is the biggest argument in Comicdom, so we just had to play this out. Hulk vs Superman in the FASERIP system. Blow for blow, each character played as if I was trying to win with the battle, fighting as if they met for the first time. Superman has a huge initiative advantage because of his hyper speed, Hulk because of his massive regeneration.
Fighting Incredible 40
Agility Monstrous 75
Strength Unearthly 100
Endurance Shift-Y 250
Reason Remarkable 30
Intuition RM 30
Psyche Amazing 50
Health 415
Karma 110
Invulnerabilities: Superman has Class 1000 resistance to Heat, Cold, Disease, Corrosives, Toxins and Radiation.
True Invulnerability: Superman's dense Kryptonian body provides him with Unearthly protection from physical and energy attacks.
Heat Emission-Eyes: Superman can emit his body's stores of solar radiation through his eyes causing Unearthly Heat damage with a 10 area range. Hyper breath: MN strength winds, AM intensity cold.
Power Boost: Superman can direct his bodies energies into his Strength, Flight or Speed, raising them as high as +2CS. It is an instantaneous boost and will be used when the challenge calls for it. He can boost immediately to Shift-Y if he needs too (+1 to attacks).
Hyper Speed: Superman is fast. He possesses hyper-speed at Amazing rank. He may make up to 3 combat actions per round and use speed as Intuition boost to AM (+4 to initiative roll)
Fighting Incredible 40 (up to Shift-Z, 500)
Agility Good 10
Strength MN 75 (up to Shift Z)
Endurance MN 75
Reason Poor 4
Intuition EX 20
Psyche Remarkable 30
Health 200
Karma 54
Powers: Invulnerability: Class 1000 resistance to Cold, Heat, Corrosives, Radiation, Toxins, and Disease.
True Invulnerability: MN
Monstrous Regeneration: (to start, max of Shift-Y).
Adrenaline Surge:
The listed abilities and Health scores are for the Hulk under "normal" circumstances. The Hulk's Fighting and Strength may be raised +1CS to a maximum of Shift-Z to hit and damage (with appropriate increases in health). The Hulk's regeneration also increases +1CS to a maximum of Shift-Y (25 pts) each round.
Detonation: Shift Z- The Hulk can cause dramatic explosive magnitudes with just the clap of his hands at Strength rank intensity and range.
ROUND 1- Superman flies and fires heat vision. He hits Hulk but to no effect. Hulk gets mad and jumps at Supes, but with Good agility, he has no way to catch Supes (Shift Z flight) in the air. Hulk falls back to the ground. Supes fires Hyper Breath at Hulk, MN intensity winds and AM cold. Hulk shrugs it off. Hulk gets mad because he wants to catch his enemy and hulks up
+35 to 235 health.
ROUND 2- Hulk strength UN, Fighting AM (3 attacks per rd). Supes decides that this has to be hand to hand. Lands and fires 3 quick blows (UN hit vs MN invulnerability which uses column shifts instead of subtraction, 2 pts per hit) (slam/stagger, hit, hit) -6 pts to Hulk and he cannot engage because of stagger. Hulk hulks up and gains back 77 pts, Strength Shift X (+50) Fighting MN (+25) and regen UN(+2). Hulk health 312, Supes 415.
ROUND 3- Supes sees Hulk stagger and figures that went pretty well. He fires 3 quick blows (miss, slam, miss). Hulk is knocked back into the barrier taking -2 damage. Superman follows. Hulk hulks up. Strength Shift-Y, Fighting UN, Regen Shift X. (+127). Hulk is now at 439.
ROUND 4- Supes overtakes the Hulk and fires 3 quick blows (miss, slam, slam). Hulk is knocked into the barrier 2 more times and cannot return fire (-4). Hulk is furious and reaches Shift Z strength (his max), Shift X fighting and Shift-Y regen (his max) +304 health. He is at 743 health.
ROUND 5- Supes rolls a 2 on initiative giving him a 6. Hulk rolls 7. (Actual rolls). Hulk swings a mighty fist and Supes feels what he is up against for the first time. Hulk scores a slam. Supes is knocked back into the opposite wall, and loses 6 pts of health. He is at 409. Hulk follows. He wasn't touched that round, so no shift increase for Hulk.
ROUND 6- Superman invokes his Power boost, Strength at Shift-Y and 150 added health for 559. Supes has initiative. Hulk comes in and Supes unloads 3 swings. The first one scores a 6 pt slam. Hulk just staggers. Second one is another slam. Hulk staggers. 3rd one misses. 12 pts damage and Hulk hulks up. Shift Y fighting and 12 pts recovery gives Hulk 112 health back. Hulk at 855.
ROUND 7- Supes with initiative. 4 attacks. Miss, hit, hit, slam. 16 points net damage, Hulk is slammed back into the far wall with 843 health. He hulks up making his final gain due to shift Z fighting and 16 pts recovery, +262. He is at 1105.
ROUND 8- Initiative advantage Supes. Superman crosses the arena and rains down 4 fast punches- hit, slam, miss, miss. Hulk bounces off the wall, - health, +regen, for 1105 health.
ROUND 9- Hulk initiative. Hulk swings. Slam. Supes is grand slammed across the arena and takes 6 damage. Supes 553 health. No attack for Superman on a slam.
ROUND 10- Hulk goes after him. Superman with initiative. 4 punches. Stagger, miss, stagger, slam. Hulk takes 18 damage, flies across the ring, recovers 18 pts, cannot attack.
ROUND 11- Superman goes after Hulk, with initiative. A heat beam in the face, and 3 punches. Hit, miss, miss, stun. Hulk is stunned for 6 rounds, unable to act.
ROUND 12- Superman unloads on him, 24 punches all connecting for 150 points damage. Hulk at 955 health. Hulk finally shakes it off after taking 6 rounds of continuous punches from the Man of Steel.
ROUND 18- Initiative Superman. Hit, hit, miss, hit. Hulk takes 18 more damage (937) but with no stun or slam, can respond. He winds up and scores a slam. Superman takes 6 pts damage (547), and is knocked back into the opposing wall. Hulk regens 25 pts health (962).
ROUND 19- Hulk advantage. Hulk thunderclaps Shift Z force across the arena and scores a stun. Supes takes 6 damage (health 541), and is stunned for 1 round.
Hulk recovers 25 pts health (987).
ROUND 20- Hulk jumps across the arena and unloads 3 hits for 18 pts damage. Superman is at 523 health. Hulk recovers 25 more pts, for 1012.
ROUND 21- Initiative Hulk. He unloads 3 more punches, miss, stagger, stagger. 12 points damage (511 health) and Supes cant respond. Hulk recovers 25 (health 1037).
ROUND 22- Initiative Supes. He unloads 4 punches, slam, and hulk flies across the arena. Superman follows, slam into the wall, stagger, miss for 18 pts damage. Hulk regens 18. No change.
The GRANDMASTER intervenes, declaring the match a draw.
Both heroes are returned to their original locations.