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Part of Deathstroke vs... This 2nd war again features warriors able to regenerate themselves, even from extinction. A sword master and marksman vs the ultimate Berzerker. Get set for a crazy amount of carnage.

Deathstroke the Terminator

Fighting Amazing 50

Agility Incredible 40

Strength Remarkable 30

Endurance Remarkable 30

Reason Incredible 40

Intuition Amazing 50

Psyche Incredible 40

Health 150

Karma 130



Self-Revival: Slade Wilson is able to return from the grave and regenerate himself.

Hyper-senses: All of Slade's five sense operate at Excellent levels

Hyper Inteligence: Deathstroke is capable of using 90% of his brain capacity.

Regeneration: Slade has rapid-healing powers capable for IN (40) regeneration

Infravision: The right eye he lost has been restored with an artificial eye, equipped with Remarkable infrared vision.


Body armor suit: Made from a combination Kevlar/Flameweave composite that provides:

EX Body Armor vs. physical, GD vs. energy, RM vs Fire

Staff: Amazing Material strength, IN blunt damage, AM intensity force blast

Deathstroke uses a sword as well as various knives and throwing weapons, he also uses sniper equipment (GD material str, 15 damage, 1 shot per rnd, 4 shots before reload) and other ballistic weapons (assault rifle, GD material, 2 shots per rnd, 10 dam, 20 shots before reload) . All his other weapons are standard issue.


All Fighting, All Weapons, Weapon Master, Weapon Specialist: Firearms, Leadership, Military, Pilot, Detective/Espionage


Fighting IN 40

Agility RM 30

Strength EX 20

Endurance RM 30

Reason TY 6

Intuition MN 75

Psyche IN 40

Health 120

Karma 121


*Adamatium Skeleton: Pure Adamantium- class 1000 material has been surgically integrated into Logan’s skeleton. EX (20) body armor against physical attacks, TY (6) protection against edged and energy attacks (though he can be cut, and does bleed).

*EX (20) damage with his fists, or IN (40) damage on a charge (as blunt attacks, before considering martial arts talents). He can Stun or Slam opponents of a higher Endurance than his Strength. Nothing can cut through or break Wolverine's bones.

*Claws: Wolverine has three Adamantium 12 inch claws mounted into the back of each hand and forearm. He can pop them out individually or as a group at the slightest whim. Wolverine can do up to MN (75) damage with these claws on the Edged Attack column. He will strike for no more than EX (20) damage if he is fighting another human, and is not trying to kill them. Wolverine's claws are unbreakable made from Class 1000 pure Adamantium (claws do not ignore Force Fields but may still damage the field if the damage inflicted by wolverine's claws is greater then the power rank of the Force Field).

*Regeneration: AM (50)

*Recovery: Amazing (50)

*Resistances: Unearthly to Toxins and Disease

*Animal Empathy: Amazing

*Enhanced Senses: Monstrous smell and Incredible hearing

*Tracking: Monstrous

*Night Vision: Remarkable

*Berserker: Ignore all Stun results, All attacks are at +1CS, and Unearthly resistance to mind control and other mental attacks. A successful Psyche FEAT must be made to come out of it.





Original content (C) Copyright 2017 by Deen Gill

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