"Dice don't lie"

This thing about Omega-level mutants is getting out of hand. Phoenix? Of course Phoenix is an Omega level mutant. But Magneto isn't, and Iceman is? I have my suspicions as to why they upgraded him, but please. Iceman is a weenie. The only foe he deserves? Matter Eater Lad.
Fighting EX
Agility GD
Strength EX
Endurance IN
Reason TY
Intuition TY
Psyche GD
Health 90
Karma 22
Ice Generation: Amazing
Create snow shields at Amazing material and protection.
Throw Snow/Ice balls for Remarkable Damage-30, up to 3 areas.
Create slick areas of IN 40 slipperiness.
Form weapons and ice shapes of Amazing material. When using such edged or blunt weapons Iceman receives a +1C/S to hit, the shapes and weapons generally last 5-25 rounds. If someone is trapped in the ice, it holds them at Amazing strength.
Project Cold: Amazing cold generation.
Create Ice ramp allowing Excellent land speed movement.
Body Armor-Excellent vs. Physical and Energy. None vs. Heat or fire of higher than EX rank.
Hydrokinetic molecular conversion: Amazing ability freeze an organic or inorganic object solid and then revert it back to normal, Iceman has dones this to foes and objects alike.
Self-Revival and healing: Iceman has been completely melted into liquid and then into vapor, only to be reformed again. This power functions at Amazing ability.
Self-Duplication: Iceman can create ice-clones of himself and send them out to do his bidding, their range is limited but they are functional. He can create up to 10 at a time.
Invulnerability to Ice/Cold: CL1000
Matter Eater Lad
Fighting TY
Agility GD
Strength GD
Endurance EX
Reason EX
Intuition EX
Psyche GD
Health 46
Karma 40
Acid: Tenzil can project acid (literally his stomach acids) from his mouth. The acid has Unearthly corrosive effect and inflicts Unearthly damage upon contact. After contact effectiveness and damage is reduced by -1CS till Shift-0 is reached.
Digestive Adaptation: Unearthly
Flight Ring: Allows True Flight at Excellent rank. Made from Typical strength materials. Able to broadcast an SOS with a 500 light year range. Additionally when travelling in a group the rings act in concert so the group will all travel at the fastest characters speed.
Transuits: These suits permit the wearer to utilize their own unique abilities without penalty. Additionally the suits provide Class 1000 Life Support.
Blaster Rifle: Amazing strength energy blast. Range 5 areas.