"Dice don't lie"
From the folks at Screenrant.com-
"The big two comic book publishers, Marvel and DC, have plenty of heroes and villains with similar abilities. So similar, in fact, that many fans spend countless hours talking about what would happen if these comic book characters with similar advantages ever got into a fight: Superman vs. Hulk (which we are featuring here at wunceand4all); Aquaman vs. Namor (not sure if anyone cares); Batman vs. Captain America (again here on wunceand4all); Green Arrow vs. Hawkeye (both in wunceand4all 16-guy battle brackets). These are just a few of the many matches that are frequently debated. While they may not be common, there have been a number of Marvel and DC crossover comics over the years. These gave fans the chance to finally witness what could happen if Batman took on Captain America or if Wolverine went toe-to-toe with Lobo. (Wolverine won, but the verdict was [ridiculously] determined by votes [see our reality-based comments below]). There are thousands of unexplored possibilities for great Marvel vs. DC matches, from rivalries between characters with similar powers and skills, to battles between heroes and villains who bring totally different strengths and weaknesses to the encounter."

So we took their matchups- actually we took 12 of their matchups- and looked at it through the unbiased machine called Marvel Superheroes RPG, where both universes get a fair shake (no one cares about Constantine vs Ghost Rider, and if you do go here and get the manuals and play it out). We had the GrandMaster kidnap each character from their own universe (no notice given, no prep), place them in a 1 area x 1 area arena surrounded by a class 5000 force field, with an AM (50) internal buffer zone, and let them fight. No one gets out until the winner is declared.
PUNISHER vs RED HOOD- I don't know how Punny could lose this. We'll see.
LEX LUTHOR vs IRONMAN- A stupid idea, but let's see what happens. Luthor has no weapons listed on his profile. I am going to let him grab one from the weapon locker, just because he is smart enough to carry something in his pocket for emergencies- a Molecular Resonance Inducer.
"Rather than punch an attack through armor, point the Inducer wand at an opponent, and a specifically programmed molecular structure will be pumped to bursting with energy to its molecular bonds. What this accomplishes is a increasingly painful resonance effect as the molecule vibrates itself apart. The most common practice is to set the wand to resonate Calcium, and watch an opponents bones turn to jelly. The intensity of the field, range, and damage is Amazing - the wand can be overloaded for an Unearthly blast that affects everything of that molecular structure within 30'. The wand can hold a charge that will last for 10 rounds of emmissions." Lex waits until Ironman is in range and liquifies the armor. Lex sets the weapon for itself and liquifies the wand. They eye each other intently...
UPDATE!!!- I found the Danvers Captain Marvel stats in an old game manual: Avengers Coast to Coast. Before Danvers lost her powers to Rogue, she was rated considerably lower on her stats as Capt/Ms Marvel than she finally ended up as Warbird, Quick history: Danvers as Marvel lost her powers to Rogue, then was captured and experimented on by the Brood, becoming the cosmically powered Binary (with levels near the Silver Surfer), then began losing power again to become Warbird. As Warbird, Supergirl would kill her, as Capt Marvel it would be a bloodbath. Win Supergirl.
we thought of this one on our own and have the full battle results here!
Sorry WW fans, wishing doesn't make it so. She has no chance. They have the same Invulnerability rating of 75, but Diana cant hurt Hulk. She could punch him for 2 pts damage, entangle him with her lasso (he breaks out as soon as he hulks up one level), or chop him with her sword for 2 points damage. At max hulk level, he can recover 25 pts damage per round, and inflict Shift Z damage to her (10 pts) with a crushing bearhug. She couldnt break it, and she would be out cold in 30 rounds (3 minutes). She could fly and try to hit him with fly by sword chops, but it would only be for 2 pts. She's no weakling (we have her matched up against Thor here), Hulk is just that strong.
Sorry Superman fans wishing doesn't make it so- he has no chance. Superman max damage is 250 with his power boost in play. Thanos has invulnerability where Supes would only do 2 pts damage per hit. On the other hand, Superman has 100 invulnerability, but Thanos can do max 1000 damage per hit (Supes is a better match against the Hulk). Plus as a member of Infinity Watch, Thanos has the Reality gem (not the gauntlet, just one gem). Game over. Now Thanos vs Darkseid...
ELEKTRA vs BLACK CANARY- both featured in our 16-girl Battle Brackets!
This is not a match. Joker dead in 60 seconds (10 rounds) or less. Maybe 2 rounds.
DR DOOM vs SINESTRO- an amazing matchup! Wish I had thought of it.
Both already featured in our 16-guy battle brackets!
DEATHSTROKE vs SPIDERMAN- an exceptional idea.
Its hard to match up Spidey with anyone from DC.
BULLSEYE vs GREEN ARROW- I hope Bullseye wrecks him.

***A final note: Wolvie at his angriest, and unleashing his most brutal attacks, could not inflict any damage on Lobo whatsoever. Under normal conditions Wolvie can do maximum Monstrous damage (75) with his claws. His beserker pushes that to Unearthly (100) damage. Lobo has Unearthly invulnerability and would negate every attack by default. In contrast, Hulk's Invulnerability level is only 75, which is why Wolvie could hurt him, but as Hulk "hulks up" things change.