"Dice don't lie"


Part of Avengers vs JLA. This is a contest of technological proportions!
Can Hal find a way to defeat the tech of Tony Stark before the Lantern ring drains of energy?
Ironman- Tony Stark
Fighting RM 30
Agility RM 30
Strength MN 75
Endurance MN 75
Reason IN 40
Intuition EX 20
Psyche GD 10
Health 210
Karma 70
After the security and technology of the SKIN Armor was compromised by Ultron Tony Stark completely redesigned the Iron man suit from the ground up. The new armor, while technically a generation ahead of the SKIN design, is limited in it’s offensive and defensive capabilities when compared to the previous suit. It does boast a wide array of advanced sensors as well as an integrated communication flow with Tony's new personal computer's artificial intelligence named Friday.
Body Armor: The armor provides Amazing protection from physical damage. Unearthly protection from most energy attacks. Amazing resistance to heat and cold. Incredible resistance to acid. Unearthly resistance to electrical attacks. Unearthly protection from radiation.
Repulsor Rays: Medium-density plasma projectors located in each gauntlet. Outlet located in palm of gauntlet. Range of 10 areas. May inflict up to Monstrous damage. May inflict less at the discretion of the user. Iron Man is also able to use his repulsors in a 'wide beam' pattern as an area effect weapon. He is able to effect up to 1 area with a decrease of -2CS in energy output (IE: Monstrous to Incredible damage)
Energy Absorption: Circuitry may absorb up to an Unearthly amount of energy each round for 4 rounds. Up to 4 rounds of Unearthly rank energy, or 400 points of potential energy damage, may be so stored. Stored energy may be redirected through the uni-beam or other weapon systems, inflicting up to Unearthly damage until the excess is depleted. Stored energy retained beyond 4 rounds can damage circuitry. Make an Endurance FEAT roll or energy is discharged, inflicting Good damage on the wearer. All forms of non-concussive energy may be stored within the armor, including heat and light energy.
Override: The armor is equipped with internal safety mechanisms to prevent overloading of designed systems. These interfaces may be consciously bypassed to increase abilities.
Strength and repulsor damage may be raised to Unearthly in this fashion. Any other single ability may be raised by a single rank through override. Each round of override, the owner of the armor must make a yellow FEAT roll on the Shift 0 column. Failure indicates the armor is immobilized and must be repaired.
Artificial Intelligence Link- The armor and specifically Tony Stark has the ability to be in constant communication with the Artificial intelligence computer named Friday. The computer is located back at headquarters. Friday may provide information on all known criminals and super villains. This helps assist Tony in identifying, hindering, incapacitating or defeating his foe.
Boot Jets: High-speed triple source gyro-stabilized turbines provide Amazing air speed. This can be temporarily enhanced to Unearthly by re-reouting energy from other systems.
If used as weapons, the boots inflict Incredible damage to targets in the same area
Uni-Beams: Multi-band light and force beam emitter. Can be adjusted for a variety of effects such as: Heat Beam: Amazing, Laser: Amazing, Light Beam: Monstrous, Tractor Beam: Monstrous. Holographic Projector: Excellent
Sonic Attack: Mechanisms within the helmet may project an omni-directional high-frequency sound wave. Range of 3 adjacent areas. Sonic attack may inflict up to Amazing damage to all within those areas. In addition everyone in the affected areas must make an Endurance FEAT roll against the intensity of the attack, or be Stunned for 1- 10 rounds.
Briefcase: The suit of armor may be stored in what appears to be a normal briefcase, but which has been specially constructed to contain the armor. The briefcase is made of Remarkable material. It is secured by an Amazing complexity lock. Failure to foil the lock sets off an Amazing strength bomb which destroys the armor completely. The briefcase may be summoned by Tony Stark via remote control. The case can open in mid flight and the armor attaches itself to Tony Stark automatically (even if Tony is running full speed).
Energy Blade: The Energy Blade is emitted from the gauntlets and is capable of inflicting Monstrous damage. It can also be flattened into a shield, providing Unearthly protection. A low-power version of the shield can be spread over Tony's entire armor enhancing protection to Monstrous. Use of the energy blade limits Iron man's offensive capablities -2CS (including his ability to fight and shoot as well as the intensity of his repulsors).
Multi-Band Radio: The radio has the ability to transmit and receive radio communications on all standard bands with a 200 mile range. On a Yellow Reason FEAT he can tap into secured transmissions.
Sensors: The suit maintains a wide arrange of sensors including: Infrared, Ultra-violet, Spectral Imaging and refractive density reading. The sensors operate at Amazing intensity.
Multi-Environment Life Support: The Armor is designed for use in the vacuum of space as well as the depths of the ocean. The armor generally has a 3 day air supply.
Green Lantern- Hal Jordan
Fighting EX 20
Agility RM 30
Strength GD 10
Endurance RM 30
Reason GD 10
Intuition GD 10
Psyche MN 75
Health 90
Karma 95
Green Lantern Power Ring: Green Lantern's ring, considered by some to be one of the most powerful weapons in the known universe, has the ability to affect and use fundamental forces of the known universe. including electromagnetic energies such as gravity, radiation, heat, light, and powerful blasts of concussive force. The ring is considered to be made from Unearthly material and has a strength to match.
Electromagnetic Force Manipulation: The Green Lantern Power Ring has extensive energy manipulation powers able to effect the entire spectrum including gravity, radiation, heat, light at Unearthly ability. Hal can create and maintain 4 effect's per round. By making a successful Psyche FEAT roll he may create and maintain a fifth effect. On the creation of solid objects the GM decides which creations are within the power of the ring and assigns a power intensity FEAT: Simple weapons, entrapments devices, common geometric shapes, gigantic hands and simple containers are all powers stunts and are usually Monstrous rank. Powers stunts include:
Energy Blasts: Unearthly
Kinetic Blast: Project Unearthly blasts of concussive force.
Force Field: Unearthly rank
Create objects of solid energy: Unearthly
The GL ring is also capable of imparting the following extra abilities:
True Flight: Incredible airspeed in Earth's atmosphere, Class 3000 in space
Life Support: The ring provides Class 1000 life support when required.
Energy Sheath: This life sustaining aura protects him from harm. The ring generates a field of life sustaining atmosphere and protection from harmful radiation, even if the wearer is unconscious. It also offers Psyche rank defence vs attacks.
Electromagnetic Scanning: The ring has a wide range of detection abilities. If it can be conceived it can probably be detected. Most normal electromagnetic phenomena are within the range of the ring, including radio, television, infrared, ultraviolet, and high frequency band communications at Unearthly levels.
Universal Translator: The ring allows the wearer to communicate with anyone, no matter what language is spoken at Monstrous rank. The ring allowed for translation as long as the medium for communication was able to be duplicated by the ring, and that the wearer was aware that communication was being attempted.
Regeneration and Recovery: Excellent ability to repair minor injuries in himself or others.
Absorption: Unearthly
Invisibility: A ring wielder can render him/her/itself invisible at Monstrous rankl by willing the ring to bend light waves around his/her/its form, as well as that of the power ring. Presumably, a similar action allows an experienced ring wielder to create objects of colors other than green.
Astral Travel: The power ring allows the wearer to create an "energy twin" of his/her/itself with Excellent ability that can travel at far greater speeds than that of the ring wielder's physical form. While the energy twin is active the ring wielder remains motionless, his/her/its life force is needed to guide the energy twin.
Life Sense: Green Lantern "Type" Energy only: Class 1000
Mind Tampering: Though the ethics of mind tampering may be debatable, sometimes it is necessary. As the power ring relies on thought and will to operate, mind tampering is not impossible, the real difficulty lies in properly applying the power. This power rank is the same as the wielders Psyche.
Full Environmental Playback: Upon request, the power ring can recreate a holographic environment based on data in its memory banks. The ring wielder can observe events in a ghostlike state, but the ring wielder cannot alter the outcome of the playback. All objects in the playback will appear in the full spectrum of colors, regardless of the wielder's level of expertise creating simulacrums. The power ring will automatically end the playback if outside interference warrants the ring wielder's undivided attention.
Protection from Mortal Harm: The power ring features an emergency energy reserve, to be utilized only when the wielder faces mortal injury. This power automatically activates to preserve the wearer's life and can be used only once during a twenty four hour period, unless the power ring is recharged at the power battery. The effect can then last up to an additional twenty four hours, to protect the ring possessor if energy runs out in the void of space.
Emergency Beacon: A Green Lantern in distress can use his/her/its power ring as an emergency beacon of Class 1000 rank. The alert can be directed to a Green Lantern's neighboring sector, or it can be a Corps-wide alert.
Homing Beacon: A homing beacon in the power ring can lead one Green Lantern to another.
Raise Power: Any power or ability of the ring may be temporarily enhanced by a Psyche FEAT roll. He must roll with -2CS against Psyche for every +1CS he is hoping for. This is why Lanterns can make HUGE energy blasts but have gritted teeth and sweat pouring down their face. The more powerful the blast the harder it is to do.
Power Battery:
Material Strength: Unearthly
Energy Source: Unearthly
Energy Absorption: Unearthly
Invisibility: Amazing
Charge: All the power rings wielded by Green Lantern's had to be charged from miniature power batteries once every 24 hours. It has been revealed that the weakness / ineffectiveness of the Green Lantern Power Ring was due to the yellow-hued emotion vampire Parallax being entombed within the primary Oan power battery by the Guardians a millenia ago. With the escape of Parallax into Hal Jordan the Yellow weakness disappeared. All current Green Lantern rings do not share this weakness.
Charge: Each power ring maintains a Class 3000 positive charge to use. This is decreased by the power rank used. Intensity of FEAT's using the ring drain points from the ring's 3000 point charge. As most Green Lantern's never use this kind of power in a 24 hour period, most believe the ring charge is unlimited.
The other real weakness of the ring is the wearer. If he/she can be kept from focusing his will, through drug use, neural interference, vertigo or other form of mental incapacitation, then the ring can be rendered useless.
Despite even the greatest of wills, sometimes a ring construct can be broken. It may seem a mere annoyance to a ring wielder, but in reality it could prove quite deadly. A ring wielder links his/her/itself to the power, a psychic backlash occurs immediately after the disruption of a ring generated construct. The backlash can be very painful and disorienting but leaves no permanent damage to the ring wielder. The real danger to the ring wielder is the split seconds of incapacitation, leaving him/her/it vulnerable to attack.
Protection of Life: The ring's programming forbids the taking of life, yet surprisingly this restriction can be removed on Oa. Ordinarily, the ring will issue a warning to the wielder and may even shut down, leaving the wielder vulnerable to attack.
Residual Energy: The ring leaves a trace residue of green energy on objects it touches or in the immediate vicinity of its use. The residue lingers for a few hours and is detectable by those with heightened senses of awareness, or by sophisticated mechanical devices, such as the creature known as Legion or the robotic Fists of the Guardians.
A time null zone can render the ring powerless by freezing the flow of time around the helpless ring wielder. Likewise, the flow of time can be accelerated in the ring's vicintiy, causing the power ring's charge to be depleted in what may seem seconds to the ring wielder.
A weapon capable of firing a Xantha charge can kill a ring wielder. The crimson colored Xantha charge shifts to yellow upon contact with the ring's emerald energy. If the defending ring wielder is not careful, he/she/it will be killed.
Some advanced technologies such as those of Qward or Apokolips have managed to develop nullification fields. The Weaponers of Qward had created such a field in one of their fortresses, while a rogue parademon from Apokolips had set up a null field around an Earth island. The Guardians of the Universe also employed a nullification field against power rings. To study a possibly defective power ring, a field was set up on the deserted side of Oa.
Talents- Aerial Combat, Pilot, Acrobatics, Resist Domination, Weaponmaster: Power Ring
Hal Jordan uses his ring very effectively. As such he gains a +1CS to all FEAT's.
ROUND 1- Ironman initiative. He puts up an UN forcefield and scans the Lantern. He fires his repulsors at MN damage. They are reflected by Lantern's UN forcefield. Lantern scans Stark.
ROUND 2- Initiative Ironman. He flies at Lantern and attempts to punch him. Lantern erects a 2nd shield. Stark bounces off. Lantern fires a green concussion beam at Ironman. Stark attempts a dodge. Bullseye lantern. The armor blocks 50 points, but Stark takes 50 damage.
ROUND 3- Initiative Lantern (ring 2800 energy). He attempt to raise the power output of the ring to 250. He fails. He maintains the dual shield in front of him. Ironman attempts a sonic attack and hits. 50 pts damage to Lantern. Hal makes an END feat and keeps his concentration.
ROUND 4- Initiative lantern (ring energy 2700). Hal attempts a second EX FEAT power up on the ring again and connects. The ring shoots a concussive force of 250 at Ironman. Lantern connects. Ironman's forcefield absorbs 100 pts, his armor takes another 50 before becoming damaged. Stark takes 100 pts concussive force on his body and slumps into unconsciousness as his damaged armor can no longer protect him. Health 0. Green Lantern wins.