"Dice don't lie"


Marksmen, killers. Some call them anti-heroes, choosing to spare the lives of "good guys" while delivering lethal doses of vigilante justice, No warning, no prep as they both are randomly whisked away by the GrandMaster, while headed to a job, and forced to fight (no one released) until a victor is declared. Opponents must be reduced to health 0 for a contestant to secure the victory, (rendering unconscious is not enough, not that it matters to these two).
Fighting GD
Agility RM 30
Strength GD 10
Endurance EX 20
Reason EX 20
Intuition GD 10
Psyche GD 10
Health 70
Karma 40
Powers: None
Pair of wrist-mounted Colts: IN (40) material
EX (20) Shooting damage
-Ex intensity Int. FEAT. needed to hear the guns when they are fired.
Eye Scope: Has the following abilities:
-Telescopic Vision: 20 area range
-Thermal Vision: AmCartridge Belt: Carries 12 complete loads for his wrist gun
Deadshot enjoys killing. When in combat he will usually employ killing shots over wounding. Deadshot has a deathwish. If presented with an opportunity to die in a spectacular fashion, he must make a Psyche Feat roll to avoid.
Weapons Specialist: Wrist Magnums, Marksmanship, Guns, Repair/Tinkering, Thief, Martial Arts A
Fighting IN 40
Agility RM 30
Strength EX 20
Endurance RM 30
Reason EX 20
Intuition IN 40
Psyche IN 40
Health 120
Karma 100
Powers: None
Kevlar Body Armor: Good vs. Physical, Shooting & Edged.
Gerber MK II combat knife: EX (20) Edged damage.
Colt .45 pistol (x2): RM Damage 30 points , Range 3 areas, Rounds 10.
.223 Derringer: Damage 6 points, Range 2 areas, Rounds 4.
Tear Gas grenades, RM intensity tear gas vs END FEAT or not able to act until gas clears
Smoke Grenades, shifts all FEATs -2CS in the area
High Explosive grenades, 30 pts edged damage to all in the area
Flash Bangs, AM intensity flash and sound that blinds/deafens 1-10 rds
* Any of the firearms can be loaded with conventional ammo, Dum-Dum Bullets (+5 damage), or "Mercy Bullets" (Amazing potency knock-out drug; Castle keeps on hand for cops).
All Martial Arts, Weapons Master, Thrown Objects, Tumbling, Wrestling, Acrobatics, Marksman, Weapon Specialist: Guns, Detective/Espionage, Military, Crime, Resist Domination, Stealth, Pilot, Trivia
ROUND 1- Initiative Punisher. He fires two burst from the assault rifle, one miss, one hit. 20 damage. Deadshot at 50. Floyd fires back. One hit, 10pts damage to Frank Castle.
ROUND 2- Initiative Punisher. He closes his and throws a flash bang. Deadshot blinded in natural eye for 4 rounds, -1 column shift. Both combatants are not able to hear for 10 rounds. Castle throws a knife. He misses. Deadshot fires, bullseye/headshot for 20 pts damage. Castle health at 90.
ROUND 3- Initiative Punisher. He shoots his assault rifle. Twice. 2 hits, Deadshot at 10 health.
Deadshot shoots back for a bullseye and kill shot result. Punisher suffers END loss.
ROUND 4- Initiative Punisher. Punisher hits for a final time. Deadshot folds unconscious. Punisher victory.