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Part of JLA vs Avengers. The synthzoid vs the Man from Mars. Both biologically tough, combat experienced, and some of the strongest characters in their universes. 



Fighting    Remarkable 30
Agility    Excellent 20
Strength    Amazing 50
Endurance    Incredible 40
Reason    Remarkable 30
Intuition    Good 10
Psyche    Remarkable 30
Health    140
Karma    70


*Density Manipulation-Self: Unearthly, The normal density is Good rank, at densities above Good, the Vision gains body armor equal to the density rank. At densities above Incredible he suffers a -1CS to Fighting and Agility. At densities above Amazing he may use the density rank as strength. At Unearthly density the Vision cannot move.

Power stunts:
Phase through solid objects at Shift-0 density
Flight at Shift-0 density, Poor speed.

*Disrupting living or non-living targets by solidifying inside them. Damage inflicted is equal to the visions density rank and body armor is ignored. At ranks above Amazing Vision himself suffers Amazing damage. After many uses of this stunt Vision can now use this stunt with little risk of accidental killing the target.
*Life Support: Incredible, no need to eat or breathe.
*Solar Beams: Remarkable damage (8 areas) from the jewel in his forehead.
*Solar Regeneration: Amazing unless he has no access to solar or laser energy.


Fighting    Incredible 40
Agility    Excellent 20
Strength    Monstrous 75
Endurance    Monstrous 75
Reason    Excellent 20
Intuition    Remarkable 30
Psyche    Incredible 40  
Health    210
Karma    120

Astral Projection: Martian Manhunter can enter the astral plane with Monstrous ability.
True Invulnerability: Martian Manhunter's super-tough hide provides Incredible protection against physical and energy damage.
True Flight: Martian Manhunter can attain Shift-X airspeed.
Shapechange: Martian Manhunter can change into the form of other beings, creatures or even inanimate objects with Monstrous ability.
He has developed Amazing Elongation ability as a power stunt.
Phasing: Manhunter has Unearthly rank phasing abilities. This power does not enable J'onn to pass through energy such as force fields.
Invisibility: Martian Manhunter can turn himself invisible with Typical ability.
Hyper Breath: J'onn's Martian breath is rated at Incredible rank.
Mental Probe: Martian Manhunter can probe the thoughts of others with Amazing ability.
Telepathy: In addition to reading a target's surface thoughts, Martian Manhunter can also telepathically link a group of people together. While linked, they do not share Karma Pools, nor do they have Martian Manhunter's Intuition. This power is rated at Amazing level. Manhunter can project Mental bolts of Incredible intensity.
Hyper Speed: J'onn possesses hyperspeed at Excellent rank.
Superhuman Senses: heightened senses as below:
Telescopic Vision: Typical
Penetration Vision: Remarkable
Heat Vision: Amazing rank heat or force energy.


Fire: J'onn possesses a psychological fear of fire. As such fire and heat based attacks ignore his natural resistances. In addition if he is in the same area as a Good or greater intensity flames, Martian Manhunter loses all his powers and all of his Ability scores drop to Typical. If the intensity is greater than Remarkable, they will affect him from up to 1 area away


ROUND 1- Both enter the arena and turn intangible. Manhunter has initiative and attempts a mental probe. He is successful. He understands that Vision has a solar beam that can bypass his defenses and must find a way around it. He fires a mental bolt at Vision and connects. Vision is driven to his knees and loses 40 health. He fires a heat beam at MM. Bullseye. The shot causes Jonzz to become tangible and causes 30 pts damage.

ROUND 2- Manhunter initiative. He goes intangible and fires another mental bolt. Vision resists the attack. Vision recovers 5 health. He attacks with a heat beam. Another bullseye. MM is hurt losing 30 more health. Vision 100, MM 150.

ROUND 3- Vision initiative. While MM is tangible, Vision flies over to him and sticks his intangible arm in MM's chest. Vision resolidifies for 50 damage to MM. MM fails an Endurance FEAT and is stunned for 2 rounds. MM 100 health.

ROUND 4- MM is helpless as Vision bathes him in heat beams. MM lapses to 0 health.

Vision wins.

Original content (C) Copyright 2017 by Deen Gill

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