"Dice don't lie"

The living planet vs the planet killer. Can the might of the Empire stand up to the planet with its own mind?
Fighting MN 75
Agility FE 1
Strength SHIFT Y
Endurance CLASS 1000
Reason N/A
Intuition N/A
Psyche N/A
Health 1615
Karma N/A
Growth: A Death Star space station is the size of a small moon, and its Fighting score suffers from CL1000 penalties versus fighter-ship size targets.
Armored Hull: The reinforced hull of a Death Star grants it Shift Y protection from all physical and energy attacks. Specific localized structures on its surface, such as towers and loading docks have only Amazing protection.
Space Flight: A Death Star can travel hyperspace at CL3000 speeds
Surface Weapons: Nearly the entire surface of a Death Star is covered with some form of energy weapons, ranging from Excellent to Monstrous intensity.
Primary Weapon: The Death Star’s most feared weapon is its planet destroying super-laser – a Shift Z (500) Energy Blast that requires three rounds to charge between blasts.
Tractor Beam: Shift X
Weakness: The original Death Star had a thermal exhaust port, leading directly to the main reactor of the station. Although it was only two meters wide, that was, nevertheless, enough to allow a single torpedo shot to destroy the entire station. This flaw was corrected in the design of the second Death Star, although the battle station was never fully finished
before it, too, was destroyed.
Fighting CLASS 1000
Agility FE 1
Strength SHIFT Z 500
Endurance CLASS 5000
Reason SHIFT X 150
Intuition SHIFT X 150
Psyche SHIFT Z 500
Health 6502
Karma 800
Absorption: Ego has the CL1000 ability to feed on both stellar energy and the life-forces of living beings.
Shape Change: Ego can transform portions of himself to create surface features or attack invaders. This Unearthly power can be used for the following Power Stunts:
*Attacking tendrils up to 100 miles long which strike with Incredible skill and do Unearthly damage.
*The creation of Humanoids which can operate independently of Ego and still remain under his control.
Regeneration: If Ego is ever dispersed, he can re-gather his mass and reform his planetary body
in time.
Kinetic Blasts: Ego can emit CL1000 blasts of kinetic force at will. However, he must make a
successful agility FEAT to fire at any creature on his surface or within his interior.
Psionics: Ego has an impressive array of psychic powers. To date, he has demonstrated CL1000 rank
Mind Blasts, ShiftZ Clairvoyance (which he uses to probe both deep space and his own interior) and Telepathy of ShiftY strength.
Sidereal Propulsion Unit: Ego has Good control over this device (originally attached by Galactus)
which propels him through space at CL1000 speeds