"Dice don't lie"

Part of Deathstroke vs... You remember Calvin Zabo from Agents of Shield. He was Quake's father? Shield did a great job of giving us our first live action version of Mr. Hyde. He's more than just a mindless powerhouse, as Slade is about to find out. Hyde is actually an enemy of Thor. How will Slade survive a match against a man that can stand up to the god of Thunder?
DEATHSTROKE the Terminator
Fighting AM 50
Agility IN 40
Strength RM 30
Endurance RM 30
Reason IN 40
Intuition AM 50
Psyche IN 40
Health 150
Karma 130
Self-Revival: Slade Wilson is able to return from the grave and regenerate himself.
Hyper-senses: All of Slade's five sense operate at Excellent levels
Hyper Intelligence: Deathstroke is capable of using 90% of his brain capacity.
Regeneration: Slade has rapid-healing powers capable for IN (40) regeneration
Infravision: The right eye he lost has been restored with an artificial eye, equipped with Remarkable infrared vision.
Body armor suit: Made from a combination Kevlar/Flameweave composite that provides:
EX Body Armor vs. physical, GD vs. energy, RM vs Fire
Staff: Amazing Material strength, IN blunt damage, AM intensity force blast
Deathstroke uses a sword as well as various knives and throwing weapons, he also uses sniper equipment (GD material str, 15 damage, 1 shot per rnd, 4 shots before reload) and other ballistic weapons (assault rifle, GD material, 2 shots per rnd, 10 dam, 20 shots before reload) . All his other weapons are standard issue.
All Fighting, All Weapons, Weapon Master, Weapon Specialist: Firearms, Leadership, Military, Pilot, Detective/Espionage
Mr. Hyde
Fighting RM 30
Agility GD 10
Strength AM 50
Endurance AM 50
Reason RM 30
Intuition GD 10
Psyche MN 75
Health 140
Karma 115
Body Resistance: As Hyde, his transformed flesh provides IN 40 Protection from physical attacks and EX 20 protection against energy damage.
Resistances: Hyde possesses IN 40 resistance to fire, heat, cold, corrosives, and toxins.
Alter Ego:By consuming different mixtures of his transformation potion, he can be Hyde or Zabo at will. He usually carries vials of the potion with him at all times, changing from Hyde to Zabo to elude pursuit after crimes.