The Totally Random Fight
I love surprises. I love to get them, and give them. This edition I am going to do both. I am going to list 10 DC Characters that I am going to access randomly (1 roll of a 10 sided die). But before that, I am going to roll up my own Marvel superhero. A guy or gal of my own creation. Then they will have to battle, in our arena, with the DC hero or villain I randomly roll. It will give us a chance to test that new character's mettle. But even better: YOU can contact me via the contact page and we will together roll up your own brand new character. Then put them in the arena too!

You may get to challenge some of the greats! Or a couple of duds. Either way, a fight's a fight!
The 10 DC Characters I have chosen are:
1) Wonder Woman
2) Kyle Rayner Green Lantern
3) Rainbow Raider
4) Martian Manhunter
5 Solomon Grundy
6) The Riddler lost his fight, replaced with the Penguin
7) Batman
8) Superman won his fight, replaced with Martian Manhunter
9) Matter Eater Lad, replaced with Arm Fall Off Boy
10) Imperiex
Now obviously you don't want to roll a 10. But outside of Imperiex, the battles should be pretty good. I will post some of the results here on the website, and the best battles will get their own page! Remember contact me via the contact page and we will roll up your own hero to smash the competition!
Here are my 3 random characters:
Alien hybrid
Fighting RM 26
Agility TY 5
Strength EX 16
Endurance AM 46
Reason FE 1
Intuition AM 46
Psyche TY 5
Health 93
Karma 52
+1 attack per round +4 to initiative roll Powers Life Drain (RM) 26- The hero can generate an anti-life field that destroys all but 1 health point of all creatures in range. The range is found on Column A of the Simultaneous Actions Table. A power rank feat roll is made to determine the color feat roll the victim needs. The victim rolls a successful psyche FEAT to keep half their health points, or loses all health but 1 point. The target will still be unable to perform any actions for 1-20 rounds. This power can only be used two times/day. Neural Manipulation (RM) 26- target loses all feelings in nerves and cannot function (like a foot that asleep). END FEAT vs PWR rank of attack to resist.
Talents- 0
Fighting AM 46
Agility IN 36
Strength EX 16
Endurance RM 26
Reason FE 1
Intuition IN 36
Psyche GD 8
Health 124
Karma 45
+2 attack per round +3 to initiative roll Powers True Invulnerability (MN) 63- Damage is reduced by the number of power ranks, so excellent damage on one with Good True Invulnerability would do only Feeble damage (since the difference is 1 rank) Detonation (MN) 63- The PC can cause dramatic explosive magnitudes with just the clap of his/her hands of Power rank intensity and range. Disruption (SHIFT Z) 360- Feeble range (touch) only. The hero can destroy a target's physical structure without resorting to a physical or overt energy attack. The molecular bonds that give a target its solidity are directly Disrupted, with the result that the target collapses into dust, sand, liquid, or even vapor. The Material Strength of the target determines what Intensity FEAT is required. Living targets resist as an energy attack. The hero can Disrupt any target within both line-of-sight and range. The amount of matter the hero can Disrupt in a single turn is the number of pounds equal to his Power rank number. If temporary option is used: the duration of the Disruption is determined by a separate Reason FEAT made at the time the Power is used. A green FEAT gives a duration equal to 100 turns times the Reason rank number. A yellow FEAT increases that to 10,000 turns time the Reason rank number. A red FEAT makes the Disruption permanent. Talents- 0
Fighting AM 46
Agility GD 8
Strength MN 63
Endurance RM 26
Reason PR 3
Intuition RM 26
Psyche EX 16
Health 143
Karma 45
+2 attack per round +2 to initiative roll Powers
Health Absorption (AM) 46- The PC has a special ability to drain the life force out of one or more individuals, and use the energy for personal Health. The PC must first make a power FEAT against the intensity of the victim's Psyche. Each FEAT allows the PC to drain up to a number of health points from the target that is equal to the power's rank number, until he/she regains the normal maximum health. If the target's health drops to 0 as a result, the victim dies, and his/her body disintegrates. Illusion Casting (IN) 36- The real thing. Illusions that appear solid and can even be recorded and detected by machinery, still he must be able to see the target area. The illusions can imitate any power. The illusion-caster also gains light emission and generation at -2CS and can duplicate other visual powers at -2CS (hypnotism for instance). Talents- 0 Equipment- NBC Skin, made of Excellent materials. Body Armor: EX protection vs physical and energy attacks. Resistances: IN vs radiation & heat, IN vs toxins & gases absorbed through the skin.
Test subject 1 gets to fight The Riddler
Test subject 2 gets to fight Superman
Test subject 3 gets to fight Matter Eater Lad