Super females at DC, who aren't Wonder Woman (or Powergirl or Supergirl or Mary Marvel)
Quick, name the best female superhero! (That's She Hulk BTW).

9 times out of 10, people will say Wonder Woman. And rightly so. She is the best female heroine we have ever seen. Invisible Woman and Jean Grey are close seconds, but there is only one Wonder Woman. What will you get the other 1 time out of 10? If the people are DC fans, they’ll say Powergirl or Supergirl. And that’s about it.
DC is really good at creating non-super powered female heroes and villains (maybe even better than Marvel, I mean after Elektra and Black Widow who does Marvel have?). DC touts Harley Quinn, Batgirl, the Huntress, Catwoman, Oracle, Poison Ivy, Lady Shiva, Talia al Ghul- the list is extensive. (Sidenote: we found 8 Marvel non-super females and 8 DC females to go head to head in battle brackets, HERE).
But what about She Hulk level females at DC? Are there any outside of Wonder Woman, and Supergirl, Powergirl, & Mary Marvel (the same character done 3 different ways)?
We had to scour our databases but we did find 8 formidable females at DC to go against Marvel’s most powerful women (8 battles in all). Now before you say where’s Raven or the Invisible Woman, we were looking for women who had She Hulk level strength and invulnerability, not just human level females who command vast eldritch energies.
Every one of these females at Marvel and DC are spectacular in their own right. Most are heroes. And while we did not use Supergirl/Powergirl/Mary Marvel, we did have to use a couple knockoffs to round out the top 8 (reinforcing the argument that DC lacks in female character originality). And now the matchups!
1) Starfire- alien from the planet Tamaran with Solar Energy Absorbtion. She is a living solar battery. So how is she different from Supes? Muscle is not her main power. She uses her abilities to project energy bolts, and she can fly. OK maybe she’s just like Supes, minus the muscle, but she is one of DC’s favorite females and we could not discount her. She will be fighting a post-Captain-Marvel, post-experimental Carol Danvers, also known as Warbird (quick recap: Carol was Captain Marvel, but lost her powers to Rogue, was then experimented on by the alien Brood, turning her into cosmicly powered Binary, but the powers soon faded, and stabilized to Warbird levels, where she is now).
2) Big Barda/Barda Free- from Apokolips. That’s all that needs to be said. She possesses immense superhuman strength, is highly resistant to blunt force trauma, temperature and pressure extremes, and is bullet proof. She will be a perfect match for the Marvel Eternal Thena (Background: when the Celestials first encountered Earth, their experiments created two offshoots of humanity: Eternals and Deviants. The Eternals included Chronos (Thanos’ grandfather), Mentor (Thanos’ father), Thena, and the mad Titan himself, Thanos).
3) Grace Choi- metahuman, super strength, heightened durableness and regenerative healing abilities. She is an Asian American who worked for a nightclub called Chaney's (which caters to metahumans and aliens) before joining the Outsiders. She will be fighting Israel’s Sabra, a mutant who is a member of the Israeli Institute for Intelligence and Special Tasks, the Mossad, and the Israel Super-Agent program.
4) Harbinger /Lyla Michaels- possesses self-duplication, reintegration, energy materialization, super strength, flight. Lyla was found as a child floating in the sea, the sole survivor of a shipwreck. Brought onboard the Monitor's satellite, Lyla was given super powers and groomed to be his assistant and heir. But she (against her will) killed the Monitor during the event called the Crisis. She will face off against The UK’s Captain Britain, Kelsey Leigh. Met by a vision of Brian Braddock, the original Captain Britain, she received the mantle of Captain Britain passed to her. She is more vicious than her predecessor.
5) Indigo/cyborg- Flight, energy blasts, force fields, computer brain, super strength, durability, healing. She is purportedly from 2,000 years in the future but appeared from out of nowhere, battered and in search of a way to repair herself. After a series of tragedies involving the Titans, she was shut down and completely "reformatted". Though she retained no memories of any past, she was moved by the desire to atone for her wrongdoings. Unfortunately, she will get no sympathy from Emma Frost, a mutant with powerful telepathic and body transformation abilities.
6) Monstress/Candi Pyponte-Le Parc III- monstrous appearance from an explosion caused by a gene-altering bomb within a plant on one of her father's farms. Super strength, body resistance to pain and damage, hyper leaping. Her foe is none other than the She Hulk, Bruce Banner’s cousin, Jen Walters. Bruce Banner saved her life by performing an emergency roadside blood transfusion. Jennifer found herself able to transform into the giant She-Hulk.
7) Thunder/Cecebeck- A Mary Marvel copy who utters “Captain Marvel” and is endowed with the Wisdom of Solomon, the Strength of Hercules, the Stamina of Atlas, the Power of Zeus, the Courage of Achilles, and the Speed of Mercury. Cecebeck lives in 90th Century Binderaan, and operates in 31st Century Earth. She time travels when she transforms. Her challenger is Jean Grey Phoenix. Good luck with that.
8) Troia/Donna Troy- Little sister of Diana Prince, sometimes thought of as Wonder Woman lite. Her powers are super strength, flight, force field, hyper-running, hyper-leaping and enhanced senses. She’ll be more than a match for Gamora/ Xen Whoberis (not the underpowered Gamora of Marvel’s MCU Guardians, but the comic book Gamora with super strength, agility and fighting abilities that would best most anyone in a hand-to-hand contest). She was created to kill the Magus, the dark universe doppleganger of Adam Warlock.