She really is
Wonder Woman really is the best female hero out there. And I say that with a preference of Marvel over DC is many cases. Marvel's top female characters seem more grounded overall. She Hulk is Bruce Banner's cousin and transformed after a life saving transfusion. Carol Danvers became Captain Marvel, then Binary and finally Warbird when off-world scientists started meddling with her genetic makeup. Valkyrie is an Asgardian. Invisible Woman was bombarded by cosmic rays. They all have logical, easy to digest origins that make them relatable.

Diana Prince is the stuff of legends, but she not just another cosmicly generated, over-powered do gooder that needed to fit a slot- she is an Amazon princess. And she lives up to her billing.
Now, there's been talk. "WW could have beaten Hela in Ragnarok!" "BS! No, she couldn't!!!" It's exactly the kind of talk we take seriously at, and the type of arguments we settle. What if they could fight? In an arena, shanghaied by the Grandmaster, with no prep. That's exactly what is going to happen, as we examine the depths of Diana's strength, skill and warrior spirit.
She already has a one on one battle with Thor, as part of our JLA vs Avengers series, here.
Next will be Hela, and while we are at it, Wonder Woman will fight each of these Marvel baddies, one on one:
Hela (Asgardian)
Sersi (from the Eternals)
Isis (from the Heliopolitans)
Artemis (from the Olympians).
Results will be posted here as the battles play out. And a note to close with: Wonder Woman will be fighting comic book versions of these female fighters, as she herself will be the comic version. In Ragnarok, Hela was grossly overpowered (Mjolnir is a class 3000 weapon, just like Cap's shield and Silver Surfer's board, with very few in the Universe being able to scratch it). And Thor was grossly underpowered as he has been in all the films. We did finally get to see some of his actual power when he started the kiln to forge Stormbreaker in Infinity War, but he alone could have whupped Hela's arse.
Be that as it may, Diana has some serious fights ahead, as the comic version of each of these females, is no slouch. Stay tuned!!!