Marvel's 10 best vs the Dark Knight
Batman aka the Dark Knight aka the Caped Crusader aka the World's Finest Detective is arguably comicdom's greatest combatant. With prep, Batman is virtually unstoppable, besting unbeatable foes like Darkseid, and him even planning to take out the entire JLA, if needed.
But how is he in a random encounter? More to the point, what if the Grandmaster swept him up without warning, and dropped him in an impenetrable arena to face Marvel's best fighters one on one?

While he certainly cannot beat anyone anywhere, he is a superior combatant. He is probably the best non-superpower fighter in all of comics. Let's see how he fares against Marvel's top fighters.
1) Captain America- we did this fight. These two are a pair of the best fighters we have ever seen. It was so close. Really close. Really, really close. The results, which I personally wish would have come out differently (but this is about real-world metrics, not opinion, or wishes), can be found here. It was really close.
2) Daredevil- Many complain that DD is a Batman ripoff. He isn't. That Marvel character is actually another guy that we will see later. Daredevil is actually super-powered, but is handicapped by blindness, so it balances out. They are both acrobatic, throw things, and work at night. That's where the similarities end. DD does not have a car, or a cave and isn't a billionaire. Its an epic battle. The fight is available here.
3) Ironfist- He's a kung-fu guy. A really, really BA kung fu guy that can summon the power to shatter titanium steel, once per day. If he hits Batman with that, it could be over in one shot. But if he doesn't, well, let's see. Battle results here.
4) Bullseye- I really like Bullseye. The real Bullseye. Not the fake, horrific Bullseye played by Colin Farrell in the even more horrific Daredevil movie. Eeeesh. He's as crazy as the Joker, and more deadly. Much better fighting skills, marksman skills, a kevlar costume and personal weaponry like Handguns, Knives, Shuriken, Whips, Sais, Darts, Plastic explosives, and some ordinary objects like playing cards, pens, golf balls, and paper airplanes. How would Batman fare against a deadly Joker type villain that was actually trying to kill him?
5) Deadpool- There are 2 people here that I think could actually kill Batman. Deadpool is one of them. Batman doesn't have anything to overcome that pesky healing factor. Remember we are talking Batman without prep. He could throw just about anything at Deadpool and he would overcome it by healing, teleporting, or insanity. Deadpool has guns, swords, bolos, a staff, throwing stars. I don't care if Batman could beat or has beaten Deathstroke, Deadpool carries cluster bombs that he could use to bomb the entire arena, healing up almost immediately after. Sorry Batfans, but this one goes to the Merc with a Mouth.
6) Punisher- he would kill Batman if he could. I have to be fair about this one. We are talking The Grandmaster whisking away the combatants and locking them up until we have a winner. If we grab Punny on the way to a job, he's going to have a sniper rifle or a machine gun or a grenade launcher that gives him a crazy edge. But he's more off the job, than on. So he would likely have mini grenades, a pistol or two, a combat knife, but not anything Batman couldn't counter. Punny is going to be a better match for the Red Hood. Batman wins this one.
7) Elektra- she's deadly, but she's not going to beat Batman. His costume offers enough protection to keep him safe while he disarms and overpowers her. I love Elektra. She is one of my favorite female characters, but Batman takes the contest.
8) Black Panther- This, I think, is the best fight of the bunch. He matches Batman in fighting skill, has the protection of a vibranium costume, and deadly claws. This contest will push Batman to his limits.
9) Moon Knight- This is the fake Batman. He's awful. His costume mimicks Batman's, his gear mimicks Batman, he has 4 personalities one of which is a millionaire. It's awful. He's awful. His skills are nowhere near Batman level. Batman is going to beat him senseless.
10) Wolverine- Batman loses. Again, its that pesky healing factor... and the 9 inch adamantium claws. Batman could put up a good fight, but if Wolvie goes berserker (which he would) Batman would be pushing up daisies. RIP Dark Knight.