5 Marvel characters that could crush Doomsday (their first time around).
Doomsday, schmoomsday. He's big, mean, ugly, tough and unkillable. Every DC character quivers at his name. Every DC fan boasts that he is the unstoppable killer from Krypton. But Superman has defeated him 3 times. Even after DD gains invulnerability to dying the same way twice. So not only is he unkillable, but you have to beat him a new way, every single time.
So what's a Marvel hero to do?

We list 5 that we know could waste the killer, their first time around.
Silver Surfer- Please understand. SS was portrayed so poorly in the Fantastic 4 debacle that they called a move, no one know how truly powerful he is. We have already outlined how he can beat Superman, and Doomsday would fare no better. With Surfer's mastery over Cosmic Energy (the power cosmic is potentially the greatest super power around. With it, characters can manipulate energy and matter in ways limited only by the imagination), he could mop the floor with Doomsie. But Doomsday does have that pesky evolution power (Evolution: Doomsday possesses the ability to develop a Resistance to any power, element, energy source or what have you at Class 1000 ability), so Surfer would have to find another way to dispose of the villain the second time around.
Thor- Again, the film world has underplayed another Marvel character's strengths. Thor has "Mjolnir", a war hammer made from Uru metal, a Class 3000 strength metal. Even without Thor's individual might, Mjolnir possess the following powers: Thor may inflict Doomsday level blunt damage with Mijolnir, throw the hammer up to 1200' away with the hammer returning the following round, use as a shield by spinning the hammer, and controlling the weather. Thor has all associated powers and can shoot lightning bolts from Mjolnir without summoning a storm. Thor may move into adjacent dimensions and light Blasts, but its biggest ability is that the hammer can absorb blasts of up to Class 1000 (see the chart) intensity which must be redirected the following round, in any direction. (can you say Doomsday punches?) Mystical Energy Blasts: Mijolner can fire draining blasts of mystical energy (on the force or energy column) with Unearthly ability, capable of slaying Asgardian gods. Thor refers to this energy blast as the Anti-Force. In short, he's just a bad a**.
Franklin Richards - son of Reed and Sue Richards, he is probably the most powerful Omega level mutant know to exist with the power to warp reality, i.e., to make any thought or desire come to fruition, even up to a cosmic scale; he is able to rearrange the molecular structure of matter. He is "a being whom the Celestials felt was on par with themselves". In addition to reality and molecular manipulation, Franklin has vast psionic powers that have manifested as telepathy, telekinesis, energy blasts of concussive force, precognition, and astral projection. Doomsday would be a puddle after facing this kid.
Juggernaut- He has a Class 3000 force field (see the chart) and cannot be stopped once he gets moving. He could charge like the Rhino, and destroy Doomsday with every hit. Doomsday does not have any attack to overcome that force field. Any questions?
Thanos- Marvel CMU has Thanos without any Infinity stones thus far. The comics have him as a member of Infinity watch, with ownership over the reality stone. Even without the stone, he has solar-boosted-Superman level strength. Thanos can manipulate enourmous quanties of cosmic energy with Shift-Z ability. Thanos regularly uses the follwing Stunts:Energy Blasts of force or energy with Shift-Z intensity.Boost any or all physical abilites to Shift-Z for 1-10 rounds.Raise Body Armor to Shift-Z for 1-10 rounds.Absorb any form of energy with Shift-Z ability.Detect any form of energy with Unearthly ability.Psionic Attack: Psionic Blast of Monstrous intensity. With the stone, he could do anything he wanted to the killer from Krypton. Thanos has a mean streak and probably wouldn't end it quickly, but whatever mind that Doomsday has would certainly be put into a blender by the Mad Titan.