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The day CBR completely stepped in it

NOTE: we always update when we can. We have added Blue Marvel!

Comic Book Resources recently put up one of their infamous “lists”, this one rating characters they think could trash the Hulk. I am a big fan of CBR and their lists, but they completely stepped in it this time.

“Marvel is chock full of beings stronger than the Hulk; some can turn him inside out with just a pinky,” says CBR. Balderdash. The list is flawed beyond comprehension.

Now I’m not saying that on any given day, every character would automatically lose to the Hulk. But CBR’s contention is that these 15 are “stronger” than Hulk, and its just not true. A little research could have saved CBR from looking like they had just pulled the list out of their… assumptions.

Adam Warlock- Yes. he has his own intrinsic abilities, but he also controls one of the Infinity gems, giving him access to vast cosmic powers such as devolution, universal communications, an unearthly level kinetic force bolt, and the ability to absorb a victim's mind. He would be a match for most cosmic level characters, Marvel or DC.

Power Princess- No. Just ridiculous. CBR’s contention is that “she acquired her powers through Eternal engineering, transforming her into the strongest woman on the planet.” She is not the strongest woman on the planet. She is not even as strong as She-Hulk, Binary (Carol Danvers) or Frankie Raye/Nova. She has a shield, and some armor but she is notoriously under-powered against the green goliath.

Photon/Genis Vell- No. He is Kree, and can generate plasma and channel it into various uses. Solar Bolts, cosmic awareness, and energy absorption. If he could find a way to siphon off Hulk’s gamma irradiated strength, and use it against him, then yes. He could beat the Hulk in the long battle. If not, he’s toast.

Silver Surfer- Yes. another cosmic level character with the rule over cosmic energy. He could battle most other Marvel or DC characters to a standstill. We even match him up with Doomsday here. He has, and could again, give the Hulk a lesson in the Power Cosmic.

Captain Universe- No. As stated this is not a character, but a force called the Uni-power. It shows up in emergency situations to give the people involved a helping hand, and leaves when the emergency is over. The Uni-power enhances what someone already has, so if it fell on Spiderman (which has happened) or Cap, then yes they could take on the Hulk. If it fell on an armorless Tony Stark, or a weenie like Moon Knight, we would be having their funeral.

Gladiator- No. Leader of the Shi'ar Imperial Guard, he could probably tussle with the Hulk. With strength and invulnerability levels of a non-enraged Hulk and many powers equal to Superman, he could stand up for a few rounds. But having no Superman quality “solar boost” abilities, he would find himself on the short end of a match. He does have access to all Shi’ar technology, so if he knew ahead of time that they were fighting, then he could equip himself properly, possibly pulling out the win.

Tyrant- Yes. A cosmic level conqueror of worlds. He matches the strength of a non-enraged Hulk, but its his cosmic power that gives him the victory. Tyrant has immense control of all biotech machines and constructs in and outside of his body. He draws on power from the biospheres of planets in the universe and has the ability to channel and manipulate these energies with unmeasurable ability. He can emit an energy attack of world shaking intensity, suck out energies as an energy sponge, and reflect most cosmic energies if need be. A nearly Galactus-level villain.

Sun God / Zoran- ??? For my data, I am researching a database where comic book writers, editors and experts have indexed over 1,000 Marvel and DC characters. The index is based on the FASERIP system and is extremely comprehensive. Unfortunately Zoran is not one of the characters indexed.

Chthon- Yes. A cosmic level character with Immortality, Invulnerability to Fire, Heat, Cold, Electricity, Radiation, Toxins, Corrosives, and Disease, cosmic level resistance to physical and energy damage in his home dimension and Regeneration. He also possesses ALL mystical energy powers at levels equaling Ancient One.

Hyperion- No. A super weenie. In fact, Marvel’s tongue in cheek version of Superman with almost the exact same power, and an allergy to an isotope of lead. He has no Superman solar boost. Hulk wrecks this guy.

Annihilus- No. Yes it takes the entire Fantastic Four to defeat this guy, in the Negative Zone. He did beat Hulk once, after using alien tech to siphon off Hulk’s power and use it against him. So again, we have a guy like Photon, that if all the pieces could fall into place he could win. Possibly. But straight up stronger than Hulk? Please.

Blue Marvel- with stats like Strength: Shift-X (150) Endurance: Shift-X (150) and Anti-Matter Energy Absorption: Class 1000, Blue Marvel would be formidable. But remember, Hulk's top "measured" strength was Class 1000, and his regeneration is Class 250. Blue Marvel could not do anything to injure him at that level. No.

Cyttorak- Yes. Once eight mystic entities fought to see whose power was the greatest. To settle the matter, they entered into the Wager of the Octessence. Each created a totem, and each totem held a fraction of its creators vast power and would transform the first human who touched it into an exemplar, a living embodiment of that power. Cyttorak’s exemplar is Juggernaught. Nuff said.

Jamie Braddock- Yes. Unfortunately Braddock is not one of the characters indexed. “Jamie's reality-warping power is immense in scope, limited only by his imagination and fluctuating sanity.” So we would assume yes.

Sentry- No. Another Superman ripoff, with an identity crisis. He has a dark version of himself called the Void. According to the index, Sentry is not stronger than the Hulk. The Void is not stronger than the Hulk. Sentry loses. Hulk is strongest one there is.

Final Score- 8 NO, 6 YES (with 5 of them being Cosmic-level) and 1 unknown.

A far cry from “15 Marvel characters that could “easily” beat the Hulk.”

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