Spidey's 10 best matchups at DC
Spiderman is one of Marvel's most iconic characters (and my childhood favorite). With his spider sense, agility and superhuman strength, he is uniquely fitted for combat. He has the best rogues gallery in all of Marvel, keeping things interesting. But when you try to match him up with DC heroes or villains, you start to realize how unique he is.

DC's problem is that they have very little for middle ground characters. They have either cosmically powered heroes (Superman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Darkseid, Doomsday) or normal guys with skills/upgrades (Batman, Lex Luthor, Joker, Deadshot, Cyborg). There's very little in the middle ground, where Spidey excels.
So we have spent the time scouring DC's universe to find 10 legimate matchups for Spiderman. We hope you agree these would be epic fights, but either way. comments welome.
1) Deathstroke, the Terminator- Screenrant.com already called for this fight, and we are doing it. Slade is similar in power and agility and is a master tactician. He has enough skills and weapons to be able to take out most anyone at DC. He is underrated as one of DC's best villains ever.
2) Gorilla Grodd- I was excited when TV's Flash brought him on board, but then TV's Flash went to poop and that was that. Grodd has superior physical power, and mind skills that could rock Spidey's world. Spiderman is going to have to fight one of his best fights to beat this crazy ape.
3) Booster Gold- I included him because I can't stand this character. What a weenie. I hope Spidey pummels him into oblivion.
4) Dr Polaris- DC's version of Magneto with a couple of twists. He can send out energy bolts like Electro, and he's got a Doctor Jekyll/Mr Hyde bi-polar issue. He's powerful and unstable. Just the kind of enemy Spidey needs.
5) Aquaman- Poor Aquaman. He's been the butt of jokes at DC ever since the Superfriends. DC is trying to reboot him in the JL movie, but I am not buying it. He's as strong as Marvel's Ben Grimm (the Thing) so Spidey will have his hands full, but the denizen of the deep is still an Aqua-turd in my book.
6) Solomon Grundy- originally an antagonist of Alan Scott/Green Lantern. Cyrus Gold was murdered and his body disposed of in Slaughter Swamp, near Gotham City. He respawned as huge shambling figure (composed partly of the swamp matter that had accumulated around the body over the decades). He is strong, vicious, but nearly mindless. Spidey will have to be on his best game.
7) Atom- I think Ray Palmer could kill just about anyone. He can shrink to subatomic levels, enter someone's brain and kill them with an aneurysm. Good thing he's a good guy. I was glad when he was introduced on Arrow, but quickly disappointed when I realized he wasn't really Atom, just fake Ironman. He still sucks in L.O.T. A battle with the REAL Atom will test Spidey to his limits.
8) Beast Boy/Gar Logan- can transform into any animal he can imagine, past or present. He is not limited to earthly animals, providing quite a few surprises to his enemies.
9) Mr Freeze- to my knowledge, Spiderman doesnt have any ice/cold based enemies. with ice generation abilities rivaling Iceman from the X-men, this could be interesting.
10) Weather Wizard- another fodder character for the Flash to run around really fast for a while, and then arrest. At least this guy isnt carrying a gun (see Capt Cold) that the Flash should be able to take away from him in about 1/100th of a second. He can fly, create fog, lightning bolts and amazing strength winds, cyclones, etc.