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5 More Marvel characters that could handle rogue Supes

Last time we presented the second 10 Marvel characters of our list that could handle dark Superman. Bear in mind that these characters have not been chosen on conjecture, fan votes, opinion or popularity contests. Wunceand4all is about real world metrics for our favorite fictional characters. Stats are based on the measurable, real world FASERIP system (below).

The set up- Superman is rogue, and has been booted to a Marvel universe (Luthor undoubtedly doused him with red Kryptonite and sent him through a dimensional rift, or some such nonsense, and sent out the word to all the Marvel characters that anyone who can subdue him will be granted their heart's desire. That's just for the bad guys BTW, the good guys don't need a reason to stop a threat as dangerous as rogue Superman).

1) Graviton- an Avenger's enemy, with a very specific skillset. Namely control over gravity, at a Class 1000 level. For those of you not familiar with the system scale (see below) that's 4x the level of Superman at his strongest (with solar boost). Supes would not be able to overcome the crushing forces of Graviton gravametric blast. He wouldn't be able to kill Superman, but he could neutralize him to the point of incapacitated.

2) The Destroyer- once foe of Thor (see first movie, yeah the big silver guy) and herald of Galactus. His invulverability is Class 3000 (putting the material strength of his body on par with Cap's shield, Thor's hammer and the Surfer's board). Nothing that superman could do would hurt him. Pair that with Destroyer's disintegration beam (living targets may try an Red Endurance FEAT or die, if successful, they suffer 1000 damage) and a Disruption beam, Elemental Conversion (read that kryptonite), Fire Generation at Class 1000, Heat Emmision and Hyper-Strength. If that werent enough, Kinetic Blast, Matter Control, Molecular Conversion and Plasma Generation. So how dioes Thor stop the Destroyer? The mystic power of Mjolnir.

3) Ghost Rider- Superman has no defense against mystic attacks. GR's got a mystic fire sheath, and a mystic chain with unearthly material (100) and grapple strength. No defense for Superman. And Rider has that pesky Penance Stare: A successful grapple for 1 round enables him to use the penance stare. A target is allowed a Psyche FEAT vs Amazing intensity. Failure indicates a permanent -1CS lose to Psyche, and pass out for 1-100 rounds. Should psyche drop below Feeble the target will go insane.

4) Wanda Maximoff- Probability Field Alteration: Wanda can disrupt probabilities to make unlikely events occur with Monstrous ability, this can range from combustion of flammable objects to vehicle crashes etc (or the spontaneous appearance of substances such as kryptonite). Eldritch Bolts: Incredible 40 (no defense) Shields: Incredible 40 Telekinesis: Excellent (20) Flight: Good

Mysticl Senses: Remarkable, Spirit Sense and Communication: Remarkable; Weather Manipulation: Remarkable. Sure Superman could overpower her physically, but it would be a fight to see if she would disable him first.

5) Franklin Richards- he's an Omega level mutant with the power to warp reality, i.e., to make any thought or desire come to fruition, even up to a cosmic scale; he is able to rearrange the molecular structure of matter. He is "a being whom the Celestials felt was on par with themselves". In addition to reality and molecular manipulation, Franklin has vast psionic powers that have manifested as telepathy, telekinesis, energy blasts of concussive force, precognition, and astral projection. Superman would be a mess after facing this kid.

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