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20 Marvel characters that could handle rogue Superman, part 2

Last time we presented the first 10 Marvel characters of our list that could handle dark Superman. Bear in mind that these characters have not been chosen on conjecture, fan votes, opinion or popularity contests. Wunceand4all is about real world metrics for our favorite fictional characters. Stats are based on the measurable, real world FASERIP system (below).

The set up- Superman is rogue, and has been booted to a Marvel universe (Luthor undoubtedly doused him with red Kryptonite and sent him through a dimensional rift, or some such nonsense, and sent out the word to all the Marvel characters that anyone who can subdue him will be granted their heart's desire. That's just for the bad guys BTW, the good guys don't need a reason to stop a threat as dangerous as rogue Superman).

Superman's FASERIP Fighting Incredible 40 Agility Monstrous 75 Strength Unearthly 100 Endurance Shift-Y 250 Reason Remarkable 30 Intuition RM 30 Psyche Amazing 50

Health 415 (FASE) Karma 110 (RIP) The stats shown are a baseline of powers and abilities that you can compare and contrast (AND BATTLE) with other characters. Based on that, here are the 2nd 10 of 20 Marvel characters who could handle (or try to handle) Rogue Superman. Admittedly, many on the list are mythological characters or cosmic entities, but hey we are taking about taking out Superman, not Rainbow Raider.

11) Odin- He's Thor's dad and one of the greatest warriors in Asgard. But he's not going to go toe to toe with the Man of Steel. He fires mystical blasts at Class 1000 level. Superman has no defense. Game over. Marvel 9, Superman 1.

12) Onslaught- I considered both Professor X and Magneto for this battle. Prof X may have been able to stops Supes, if Supes didn't fly away. But Onslaught is the tangible being, made up of the conflict and angst between Magneto and Prof X. He is devastating. Self Evolution abilities and Mental Powers including Mind Blast, Telepathy, Mental Probe, Mental invisibility, Mental Illusions, Power/Psionic, and Detection, all at Shift-Z rank. Ouch. Marvel 10, Superman 1.

13)Phoenix/Dark Phoenix- power absorption at Class 1000 (she could toy with him and drain him off) or blast him with a Class 1000 mind blast, or use Class 1000 elemental conversion to create (ready everybody?) kryptonite. Marvel 11, Supes 1.

14) Silver Surfer- this is one that people love to fight about online. But the detractors are thinking of Surfer in terms of raw power, or brute strength. Hand to hand, yeah Surfer can't win. The best he could hope for is a draw. But he has molecular conversion (that K word again) and precog powers that make him more than Superman's match. Marvel 12.

15) Thanos- As a member of Infinity watch, he has ownership over the reality stone. He could put Superman into a dimensional bubble back when Clark was a kid with the Kents, and keep him there indefinitely. So take your pick, without the stone, Thanos loss, with the stone, Superman loss. We're calling it a draw.

16) Thor- another hotly debated online fight. Yes Superman could overpower Thor physically, but with Mjolnir creating an Unearthly shield and dispensing mystical bolts of energy with Unearthly ability, capable of slaying Asgardian gods, Thor takes the match. Marvel 13.

17) Ultron- Ultron's body is pure adamantium at Class 1000 strength. Ultron is Invulnerable to Heat, Cold, Radiation, and Corrosives, and he carries an Encephalo Beam mounted in his head which allows him Mind Control Powers of Incredible ability. He can overpower the beam to Amazing strength, matching Superman's psyche. The Man of Steel has little chance against those odds. Marvel 14.

18) Zeus- one of the few mythos characters in both universes. Marvel Zeus is Hercules' dad and has True Invulnerability, Amazing protection from physical and energy attacks, Invulnerability rated as Unearthly resistance to Fire, Cold, Electricity, Toxins, Corrosives, and Disease. He fires mystical energy blasts of Shift Z energy. Supes has no defense. Marvel 15.

19) Loki- Asgardian, adopted brother of Thor, fires Eldritch Bolts of Monstrous energy and broadcasts Eldritch Shields of Monstrous shield vs. physical, energy and magic attacks. Marvel 16.

20) Hela- This is probably the best match of the whole bunch. She is the primary villain in Thor: Ragnarok, and no one to mess with. She has Excellent (20) resistance to Physical and Energy attacks and her health is 1200. Superman can punch at 250 at max strength, but there is a deadly caveat. Hela is one of the most powerful Asgardians with Unearthly ability to fire mystical blasts, Her caveat is her Death Touch: the target must make an Endurance FEAT vs Class 1000 intensity or begin losing Endurance levels. In game mechanics, its an impossible FEAT for Superman, who will lose two levels per touch first touch, 4 levels with the second touch and six levels with the third. If he connects on 3 punches, her health will be at 500, but he will be dead. He can stand off and blast her with heat beams and cold breath, but she is invulnerable and also has Aging Rays, Unearthly intensity rays shot from her hands that age the target 100 years per hit. Sustained combat could even eventually destroy long-lived Asgardians. Advantage Hela.

Final score Marvel 17, Superman 1, draws 2. Comments appreciated.

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