Super females at DC, who aren't Wonder Woman (or Powergirl or Supergirl or Mary Marvel)
Quick, name the best female superhero! (That's She Hulk BTW). 9 times out of 10, people will say Wonder Woman. And rightly so. She is the...

5 Marvel characters that could crush Doomsday (their first time around).
Doomsday, schmoomsday. He's big, mean, ugly, tough and unkillable. Every DC character quivers at his name. Every DC fan boasts that he is...

The day CBR completely stepped in it
NOTE: we always update when we can. We have added Blue Marvel! Comic Book Resources recently put up one of their infamous “lists”, this...

Spidey's 10 best matchups at DC
Spiderman is one of Marvel's most iconic characters (and my childhood favorite). With his spider sense, agility and superhuman strength,...

5 More Marvel characters that could handle rogue Supes
Last time we presented the second 10 Marvel characters of our list that could handle dark Superman. Bear in mind that these characters...

Marvel's 10 best vs the Dark Knight
Batman aka the Dark Knight aka the Caped Crusader aka the World's Finest Detective is arguably comicdom's greatest combatant. With prep,...

20 Marvel characters that could handle rogue Superman, part 2
Last time we presented the first 10 Marvel characters of our list that could handle dark Superman. Bear in mind that these characters...

20 Marvel characters that could handle rogue Superman
Man of Steel gone dark vs Marvel... who wins?