"Dice don't lie"
Fan fiction by Deenur
Indigo vs ?

Indigo vs Annihilus 2
Have you noticed? People love to argue.
Especially geeks. They love to argue
about things that aren't real.
Could the STAR TREK universe beat the
STAR WARS universe? Things like that.
Back in the 80's TSR developed a gaming system called Marvel Superheroes. The game was a combat system for the Marvel Superheroes (Spiderman, Hulk, Wolverine, Captain America). You could pick to play as an established character or make your own. You could beat the snot out of each other, or go on an adventure. You could fight Hulk against Galactus. But you couldn't fight Hulk vs Superman.
Then some inventive geeks figured a way to incorporate DC heroes into the Marvel universe. That's where we are now. We can find out what Marvel characters could actually beat Doomsday. We will find out if anyone can ever beat Batman. We can go Avengers vs JLA. And the results will speak for themselves.
The ABOUT page will give you the complete combative rundown. The system is called FASERIP. The PDF versions of all the manuals are available HERE.
Finally. The arguments will be settled. Guaranteed. Because dice don't lie.

Marvel vs DC fights, based on real-world metrics... Not votes!




All superhero names. images and trademarks are properties of their respective companies. Nuff said.