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The Indigo Light (10)

“You will notice as we continue,” Grandmaster said, “that many of the super-powered individuals we encounter have a connection to Earth, in sector 2814. For some reason, there is a greater concentration of super-powered beings on, or connected to, that class M planet. There is also an unprecedented number of misanthropic individuals who want to rule earth, destroy earth, etc. You won’t be familiar with earth history, and their global conflicts, so I will have the ring interpret the history for you.”

Grandmaster had me call up the world wars of the early 20th century on Earth. The ring bathed my face in indigo light and I suddenly was able to follow what he was talking about. “Earth was involved in two world conflicts, the 2nd World War being instigated by a brutal and harsh dictator named Hitler. He was so exacting in his methods, and demanding, that he would kill underlings for the slightest infraction. He said he couldn’t find anyone who could carry out his orders, so he took a bellboy from a hotel and fashioned him into the greatest weapon of hate that the world had seen- The Red Skull.”

The ring flashed a picture of the Red Skull in my brain. The picture itself felt cold, the impression sadistic. A void. “In time, Red Skull’s brutality and viciousness surpassed Hitler’s own. Red Skull has at times been a fugitive from justice, and at others, a ruler of otherworld dimensions. He has warred with Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, always able to make an escape, if not secure a victory. Zod’s viciousness pales in comparison to Johann Schmidt’s.”

“Humans have a great capacity for kindness, but just as great a capacity for cruelty. I cannot prepare you for the brutality you may encounter in Schmidt’s mind. Some have guessed that he is under the control of other-worldly forces.”

“Other-worldly?” I asked. “Humans call them demons, some call them Cthulhu, the Asgardians refer to them as the fire giants. Whatever they are called, they are purported to have vast mental powers and tremendous psychological influence. Humans believe that so called demons are responsible for all the evil in the Universe. If that is the case, maybe that could give you a bit of insight into Red Skull’s horrifying mental makeup.”

Grandmaster continued. “In the Second World War of Earth, Red Skull personally killed thousands in encampments through deliberate maltreatment, rape, starvation, abuse and slavery to the point of fatal exhaustion. He transported Nazi prisoners by rail cars, confined for days or even weeks, with little or no food or water. He killed many by dehydration or freezing. Some by intentional torture, some by neglect.”

“But why?” I asked. I couldn’t even begin to guess an answer. “Power,” said Grandmaster. “Or, sometimes, as in the cases of brutal rape, for pleasure. Often, he and the guards would bet on how many shots from his pistol it would take to kill a prisoner. So, just for sport.”

I looked at the ring, letting it download the information to me, physically jerking at the ugliness of the download. “I don’t know if I can do this,” I finally said. Grandmaster responded. “the ring thinks you can. And so do I. Schmidt is not the most evil individual in your known universe, and he has other foes. But no one other individual has the capacity to make him face his transgressions with such clarity and reality. It’s up to you- if you have the courage. Bear in mind that defeating him is not the problem. With energy blasts, you could easily take him out in just a few shots. But that is not the issue. His psyche is at least as strong as General Zod, so you will find him formidable for psychic attacks. If, however you do not cause him to face the pain he has exacted on so many, he will not have the schemata he needs to grow and improve as an individual in the Multiverse.”

“But who made it my responsibility to reform these baddies?” I asked. “The ring. And you. Remember, you in no way have to take on these contests. You can walk away at any time,” Grandmaster said.

“But if not me,” I asked, “who?” “Who indeed?” he asked. “The arena will be standard size, 44 meters by 44 meters by 5 meters tall. He will have extraordinary equipment that will make him extremely dangerous. You could just blast him into unconsciousness, but that will do nothing to forward what you need to accomplish.” He paused for a long while. “Ready?” I took a long breath. “Yeah.”

“But he didn’t respond,” I said back at the infirmary. “You don’t know that,” Grandmaster responded. “I saw him. He wanted to kill me. He said he would. He said he would find me and kill me.” “What did you expect him to say?” Grandmaster asked. “That he suddenly liked unicorns?”

I stared. We both just sat there, like a squirrel that found a free bucket of nuts. Finally, Grandmaster broke the silence. “It’s a joke. Unicorns are mythological-“ He stopped. “Oh, never mind. The point is you had him confront some of what he had done. Who knows how much he actually experienced and how it affected him. You just have to do what’s right and you have to believe in what you are doing. Some Earthers call it faith.”

“What’s faith?” I asked. I had never heard the term before. “It’s a belief,” he said, “that what you are doing is the right thing, and that the results are going to turn out.” “That’s hope. Like that Saint Walker guy, the Blue Lantern. I’ve seen him before. He came when some of the Red Lantern Red Guards came to enslave T’Laz Norr.” “Faith and hope are similar,” he explained, “but hope says in the future, something in particular could happen, or should happen. Faith says that happening is so, right now, regardless of what is seen. It’s a confidence. Cyninics say seeing is believing. People of great faith say believing is seeing.”

“Sounds crazy,” I said. “Yes,” he said. “Some people see others of great faith as crazy. But back to Schmidt. You had great compassion on him. You could have blasted him to ash. Instead you healed him. Why? You interfaced with his mind. Was it a place that anyone would want to be?”

“It was empty, cold.” I said. “Only filled with irrational, paranoid vengeance.” “Ah,” said Grandamster. “That explains why he has not been recruited by the Red Lanterns.” I continued. “He looked like that facing his horrific actions had no results, that it didn’t affect him one bit.” “And would you,” asked GM, “do the same thing in the same circumstances once again?” I thought for a minute. “I probably would.” “That,” said the Grandmaster, “is what makes you a hero, and sets you apart. Now for the next battle-“

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Original content (C) Copyright 2017 by Deen Gill

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