"Dice don't lie"

Recruited by Hitler himself, Johann Schmidt was groomed to be the 2nd most powerful villain in Nazi history. His brutality and viciousness eventually exceeded that of the dictator himself, and Red Skull was banished from Germany. He has fought most of the heroes in the West and has escaped punishment and consequence throughout his career. He has ruled other dimensions, but always comes back to his core goal: crushing freedom and its defenders.
Red Skull
Fighting RM 30
Agility EX 20
Strength GD 10
Endurance RM 30
Reason RM 30
Intuition EX 20
Psyche MN 75
Health 90
Karma 125
Powers- None
Body Armor: Provides RM protection from physical and energy damage.
Gun: RM damage
Nanites: MN Mind Control when placed on forehead. Must make a Monstrous Psyche FEAT vs. mind control. Can be burned out of system or by electromagnetic pulse.
Dust of Death: RM intensity poison that caused those failing an Endurance FEAT to die, with their heads changing to resemble a red skull. He could fire the dust in a pellet form from a specially designed handgun.
Molecular Resonance Inducer- Skull can point the Inducer wand at an opponent, and a specifically programmed molecular structure will be pumped to bursting with energy to its molecular bonds. What this accomplishes is a increasingly painful resonance effect as the molecule vibrates itself apart. The most common practice is to set the wand to resonate Calcium, and watch an opponents bones turn to jelly. The intensity of the field, range, and damage is Remarkable.
Talents- All Martial Arts, Leadership, Military
Dekkard the Indigo Lantern
Fighting IN 36
Agility EX 16
Strength TY 5
Endurance AM 46
Reason GD 8
Intuition EX 16
Psyche UN 88
Health 103
Karma 132
Electromagnetic Force Manipulation: The power ring is focused by the wielder's compassion, enabling the control of indigo psychoplasmic energy. Electromagnetic manipulation powers able to affect the entire spectrum including Hard Radiation, Light, Sound, Microwaves, Radiowaves, Magnetism, Heat, Gravity at PSYCHE plus 1CS rank. These include emit Energy and kinetic energy Blasts, Creation of Force Fields, but not objects of solid energy. Dekkard can maintain 3 effects per round.
Emotional Spectrum Emulation: A power unique to the Tribe, the Indigo can emulate the other energies of the emotional spectrum when they are in close proximity to them and use those energies for their own use. This ability has been shown to allow the wielder to copy the power of other power rings with the exception of Black or White.
Energy Projection: They can fire energy blasts (at PSYCHE +1CS).
Inability to be Traced: The Indigo Lanterns cannot be easily traced by any means.
*One of the greatest powers Dekkard has figured out is that the indigo light exposes people to the pain they have inflicted on others. Dekkard can turn that information into an attack. The greater the affliction, the more pain the target experiences. A PSYCHE FEAT is required vs target psyche to reveal that pain. With a 2nd Psyche FEAT, the Indigo lantern can afflict that level of pain on the target (first vs karma, then vs RIP). Dekkard can project the attack as Ectoplasm Energy. The Ectoplasm blast affects the target’s base Karma, not Health. If the base Karma drops to 0, then the RIP each start losing points. If Dekkard continues the attack and the RIP each just happens to drop to 0, then the victim is a vegetable. (This is only used in the most extreme circumstances, such as stopping the Anti Monitor).
Forced Empathy: The Indigo Tribe forces those without emotional or moral depth to feel for those whom they've wronged in the past. This usually manifests as chains and manacles that bind the tribesmen in question, while erasing their initially sociopathic character. The intent of this was to convert some of the galaxies worst criminals and felons to feel for their victims, eventually leading to a form of redemptive reconditioning in those who've been enslaved to the Indigo Tribe.
The ring is also capable of imparting the following extra abilities:
True Flight: Unearthly airspeed in Earth's atmosphere, Class 1000 in space.
Life Support: The ring provides Class 1000 rank life support when required.
Energy Sheath: This life sustaining aura protects him from harm. The ring generates a field of life sustaining atmosphere and protection from harmful radiation, even if the wearer is unconscious. Psyche rank defense vs attacks.
Electromagnetic Scanning: The ring has a wide range of detection abilities. If it can be conceived it can probably be detected. Most normal electromagnetic phenomena are within the range of the ring, including radio, television, infrared, ultraviolet, and high frequency band communications at Unearthly levels.
Universal Translator: The ring allows the wearer to communicate with anyone, no matter what language is spoken at Monstrous rank.
Regeneration and Recovery: Unearthly ability to repair minor injuries in others.
Energy Absorption: Unearthly
Invisibility: A ring wielder can render him/her/itself invisible at Monstrous rank by willing the ring to bend light waves around his/her/its form, as well as that of the power ring
Life Sense: Class 1000 rank.
Protection from Mortal Harm: The power ring features an emergency energy reserve, to be utilized only when the wielder faces mortal injury. This power automatically activates to preserve the wearer's life and can be used only once during a twenty four hour period, unless the power ring is recharged at the power battery. The effect can then last up to an additional twenty four hours, to protect the ring possessor if energy runs out in the void of space.
Charge: Each power ring maintains a Class 3000 positive charge to use. This is decreased by the power rank used. Intensity of FEAT's using the ring drain points from the ring's 3000 point charge. As most Lantern's never use this kind of power in a 24 hour period, most believe the ring charge is unlimited.
Protection of Life: The ring's programming forbids the taking of life. Ordinarily, the ring will issue a warning to the wielder and may even shut down, leaving the wielder vulnerable to attack.
Indigo Energy Conduit: staffs and their own bodies channel the power of compassion for a variety of uses.
Wormholes & Spatial Warps: Their power grants its wearer access to wormholes in space, enabling the them to rapidly cut time and distance needed for transport.
Limited Cellular Regeneration: They have a limited ability to to heal others during or after they feel great compassion. The compassion has to be genuine and the healing is only to the extent of the grief and minor aesthetics, major injuries have not been seen to be healed by any Indigo Lantern yet. It is unknown if the Indigo Tribe can heal itself or if they must feel compassion to do so.
Discern Motivation: In effect with healing and restoring damaged or destroyed bodily tissue, the ring has the effect of laying bare any and every horrific thing the individual they're restoring has done in their life.
Inability to be Translated: The power ring can translate virtually any language in the universe, facilitating diplomatic encounters rather than violent confrontations, however the indigo speak in a language not recognized by the lantern rings making them an enigma.
Material Alteration: Criminals and Individuals recruited to the Tribe have their clothing transformed into an Indigo Lantern uniform. If they do not already have one, they also receive an Indigo Lantern Power Staff which vanishes when their ring is removed. The appearance of the uniform and staff is dependent on the individual.
Willpower Subversion: While the indigo rings prevent the lights that they channel from influencing them (e.g. to prevent the red light from consuming them once it's no longer in use) is a strength, it is also a weakness as it subverts their wills to the influence of the Indigo light.
Recharge Protocol: the Rings needed to be charged after a period of 24 hours, regardless of how often it was used. 3000 pts of power per charge.
ROUND 1- Dekkard and Red Skull appear in the arena at the same time. Dekkard raises his force field. Red Skull has initiative and fires his Inducer. Dekkard dodges. Schmidt connects with a 30 point blast from the Inducer. The blast slips the force field. Dekkard doubles over in pain and drops to 73 health points. He responds by blasting the arena with a level 50 sound blast. Red Skull covers his ears and drops to his knees. Red Skull health at 40.
ROUND 2- Dekkard initiative. He tries a psyche scan and hits. The psychic backlash drives him to his knees, as the cold void of Skull's mind collides with his. Skull smiles darkly and raises the Inducer. Dekkard instinctively reacts with a force blast from his ring and knocks Skull unconscious. "Rao dam!" he yells. Dekkard rises slowly. He scans Schmidt's vitals. The Red Skull is losing Endurance ranks, and will be dead 30 seconds.
ROUND 3- Dekkard pulls his staff from his sheath. He bathes The Red Skull in Indigo light. The loss of life stops. Dekkard removes all the weapons from their proximity and blasts them into ash. He returns to Schmidt. He again bathes the villain in Indigo light. Schmidt's eyes flicker.
ROUND 4- Dekkard restores half of Schmidt's health, but the villain comes face to face with his horrendous crimes. He grabs his head screaming. Schmidt tries to stand. He runs full force into the arena barrier and bounces off. "What are you doing to me?" Skull screams in Earth German.
Dekkard activates the translator. "What are you doing to me???"
ROUND 5- Skull stops and reaches into his boot sheath, and pulls a blade. He tries to plunge it into his own heart. Dekkard blasts the blade with gravity. It becomes too heavy, and pulls Schmidt to the ground. Schmidt tries and tries but cannot lift the blade. "What are you doing to me?" he screams again.
ROUND 6- "Verstehst du?" Dekkard asks. "Do you understand?" Schmidt grits his teeth, as sweat pours from his face. He swats around his head as if trying to kill a swarm of bees. "What are you doing to me?" Suddenly, Skull collapses with exhaustion. Skull looks up Dekkard with violence in his eyes. "I hate you for this boy. I will find you. After this is over," Skull says in German. "And when I do, I will kill you, very, very slowly. Sieg Heil!" The Red Skull screams as he fades from the arena.