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20 potential combatants, 5 from each team (not everyone will play) will be randomly selected to enter the arena. 

5 Mutants and 5 Titans will slug it out to see which team survives the RAGING RUMBLE!


The war starts with one participant from each team, then a new mutant or titan will be randomly added every 3 rounds. The winners will be the last TEAM standing. No warning, no prep as all 20 combatants are randomly whisked away by the GrandMaster, and forced to fight (no one released) until a team victory is declared! Opponents must be reduced to health 0 for a contestant to secure the victory (rendering unconscious by chemical means is not enough). The arena is a 1 area (132') x 1 area x 1 area high arena surrounded by a Class 5000 forcefield, with a class 50 buffer. The buffer will hurt contestants if they are unable to sustain a class 50 blunt force attack.


Cannonball                    Robin (Dick Grayson)

Mirage                                                   Kid Flash

Sunspot                                                   Starfire

Blink                                                     Beast Boy

Boom Boom                       Wonder Girl (Troy)

Warlock                                                    Arsenal

Rictor                                                      Tempest

Domino                                                          Dove

Shatterstar                                                 Raven

Warpath                                                  Ravager


ROUND 1- The first two (random) selections are made: Shatterstar vs Starfire.


Fighting IN 40

Agility IN 40

Strength RM 30

Endurance IN 40

Reason TY 6

Intuition GD 10

Psyche RM 30  

Health 150

Karma 46


  • Regeneration:  EX 20 (2 pts round)

  • Recovery: IN 40 


  • Mystic Blade: Made from UN 100 strength material, a double-bladed sword forged using both science and sorcery that inflicts up to IN 40 edged damage.

  • Due to enchantments on the blade it may ignore force fields, armor and even sever mystical bonds of 100 strength or less

  • Transform into different weapons such as batons (IN 40 blunt damage) or be separated into two identical weapons (RM 30 edged damage) in order to make multiple attacks.

  • Energy Emission: Focus bio-energy blast through his sword capable of inflicting AM 50 damage. Inflicts EX 20 damage to Shatterstar everytime he employs this power.

Talents- Weaponmaster, Marksman, Weapon Specialist-Sword, Acrobatics, Tumbling, Martial Arts A, B and E

Starfire - Koriand'r

Fighting EX 20

Agility RM 30

Strength RM 30

Endurance IN 40

Reason GD 10

Intuition EX 20

Psyche EX 20  

Health 120

Karma 50


  • True Flight: Starfire's genetic makeup allows her to naturally fly at AM airspeeds. 

  • Linguistics-Special: Koriand'r is also able to absorb the language of others through physical contact with Incredible ability. 

  • Solar Energy Absorption: Starfire's skin absorbs energy from exposure to the sun. She is a living solar battery. She can store 500 points of energy that can be used to power a variety of powers. If away from sunlight she uses this store to power the following powers. Exposure to the sun regenerates this energy at a rate of 50 points per turn. Starfire can use this energy to power the following abilities:

  • Energy Emission-Solar: Starfire can fire solar energy bolts from her hands, called 'starbolts' capable of causing AM 50 damage. These bolts powered by exposure to a sun,

  • Solar Sustenance: Koriand'r draws nourishment directly from the sun. She can go for 22 hours without the need for nourishment and survive the rigors of deep space.

  • Solar Regeneration: Starfire possesses the ability to regenerate MM (7.5) health per turn when she is in direct sunlight.

Talents - Aerial Combat, Martial Arts E, Leadership

ROUND 1- Initiative Kori. She files and fires a starbolt. Bullseye. 50 points damage. Shatterstar loses 50. He fires back with a bio bolt. He misses but still loses 20 pts. 80 remaining. 

ROUND 2- Initiative Shatterstar. He gains back 2 pts to 82. He transforms the blade into two large knives. He throws them both. Hit/stun, and miss. The hit stuns Kori for 1 round. She cannot attack. Loss of 30.

ROUND 3- Initiative Shatterstar. He recovers 2 points for 84 and the blades. He throws them both. One miss and Kori dodges the 2nd. She recovers 7 pts health for 97, and fires a bolt. She misses.

ROUND 4- NEW COMBATANT- New Mutant Warlock.


Fighting GD 10

Agility EX 20

Strength RM 30

Endurance IN 40

Reason IN 40

Intuition GD 10

Psyche GD 10

Health 100

Karma 60


  • Shape changing: Warlock's techno-organic body is a mutable form, allowing him the following power stunts:

  • Increase his size from 2 feet to 200 feet.

  • Reshape into functioning machines up to Monstrous level.

  • Equip his machine selves with up to IN 40 damage energy or force rays.

  • MN 75 ability to assume organic appearance, AM ability mimicking specific humans. Create sensors.

  • Body Armor: EX 20. If he receives more than 40 damage from a single attack, he loses control over his form, taking on a splattered look.

  • Conversion: Warlock can regain lost health by converting living, organic objects to a crystalline matrix. Warlock gains health equal to the targets health or material strength. He does this with Monstrous ability and the target can attempt an Endurance FEAT to avoid. Warlock must make flesh to flesh contact for this power to work.

  • Interstellar Travel: Class 1000 ability to travel outer space. He is immune to the effects of vacuum.

ROUND 4- Initiative Kori. She fires a Starbolt at the new mutant. Bullseye for 30 pts net damage. 70 health. Warlock grows to 130' tall. He grabs for Kori. He connects ar grabs her leg. She tries to escape but can't. He squeezes. 30 pts damage to 67. Shatterstar transforms his knives to a blade and passes his attack.

ROUND 5- Warlock initiative, then Kori, then Shatter. Kori recovers 7 pts to 74. Warlock slams Kori on the ground, but not before she blasts his face at point blank range. 40 health for Warlock, 44 for Kori. She tries to escape and can't. Both mutants are in range and she fires a starbolt. Direct hits for a kill result. Warlock is down to 10, Shatter is at 34. Shatter fails his END FEAT and loses 1 END rank. Warlock also loses 1 END rank. Shatterstar raises his blade and strikes at Kori. He hits for 40 pts. Kori is down to 4.

ROUND 6- Warlock initiative, Kori and Shatter. Warlock attempts a health gain by converting Kori to the crystaline matrix. Kori resists and fails. She is absorbed into Warlock's matrix providing him with 4 health to 14. 

ROUND 7- New Teen Titan Raven.


Fighting PR 4

Agility GD 10

Strength TY 6

Endurance RM 30

Reason EX 20

Intuition IN 40

Psyche AM 50

Health 50

Karma 110


  • Emotion Control: Raven is able to change the emotions of others with IN 40 efficiency.

  • Bio-Physical Control -Damage Transferral: Raven is able to heal anyone she contacts, absorbing the injury into her, then expelling it from herself with UN 100 ability.

  • Empathy: Raven is an empath, being able to sense the emotions of others around her with AM 50.

  • Teleportation: Raven has the MN ability to teleport to any location including other dimensions.

  • Astral Projection: Raven is able to create a large bird-shaped shadow that can subdue villains, or protect friends with IN ability. 

  • Force Field: MN

  • Mental Blast: IN

  • Shadowcasting: IN

  • Regeneration: RM (3 pts round)

  • Free Spirit: IN 40

  • Hallucinations: AM 50

Talents- Mystic Lore, Medicine, Psychiatry, Trance, Resist Domination

ROUND 7- Initiative Raven. She projects the shadow bird, attacking both Warlock and Shatter for 40 pts each. Warlock falls to health 0, as does Shatterstar. 

ROUNDS 8 and 9, Raven rests.

ROUND 10- New Mutant Domino.


Fighting RM 30

Agility IN 40

Strength GD 10

Endurance RM 30

Reason GD 10

Intuition RM 30

Psyche EX 20  

Health 110

Karma 60 


  • Probability Control: Always read the highest die first.


  • Throwing Blade: Excellent edged throwing damage

  • Lasso: grapple with Good strength

  • Gun: Incredible damage at 8 areas range


    Talents- Guns, Weapon Master, Marksman, Martial Arts A,B, Thrown Weapons, Acrobatics, Military, Computer, Pilot

ROUND 10- Initiative Domino. She pulls and fires her pistol. Raven throws up a force field in time. Domino's shot is ineffective. Raven drops the force field and fires a mental bolt. hit for 40 damage, Domino at 70 health. Domino fires a 2nd shot. Raven tries to get force field back up, and barely does.

ROUND 11- Initiative Raven. She attempts to change Domino's attitude from aggressive to passive and is unsuccessful. Domino fires. Bullseye. Raven is down to 10 health. 

ROUND 12- Domino initiative. Raven disappears and reappears behind Domino. Domino fires behind her relying on her probability powers. Bullseye. Raven slumps to the ground, health 0.

ROUND 13- New Teen Titan Kid Flash.

Kid Flash 

Fighting EX 20

Agility EX 20

Strength TY 6

Endurance RM 30

Reason GD 10

Intuition GD 10

Psyche EX 20   

Health 75

Karma 40


  • Hyper Speed: Kid Flash powers are based on speed. His movement is at Class Shift-Z airspeed (see below).

    • Deliver 50 "Typical" Blows in a round

    • KF moves so fast he is able to perform Extra Attacks with Shift-X ability, multiple attacks that inflict up to AM 50 damage to a target

    • Resist Cold: EX 20

    • Air Walking: up 90ø inclines (I.E. up or down buildings): UN 100

    • Water Walking: UN

    • Create Cyclones: RM 30 damage or UN stunning or slamming

    • Phasing: KF can vibrate his molecules so fast that he can 'phase' through objects of less than UN 100 material strength. This destroys any inorganic object of less than AM material strength after he passes through it.

    • Break Restraint: UN

    • Spectrum Shifting: can run so quickly as to cause light to begin to slow, and experience Red Shift. Which will allow them to view the lower spectrum of light that is normally invisible to the unaided human eye.

    • One must make a Red FEAT to hit Kid Flash with anything other than an area effect or Psychic attack. If KF is making multiple attacks against the same target the FEAT is reduced to Yellow.

    • May increase speed to Class 3000, however this requires and Endurance FEAT every 3 rounds or he passes out from the strain.

    • Considered Unearthly rank for Fighting for multiple attacks and evading.

    • Considered Unearthly rank for Agility for dodging and catching projectiles.

    • Considered Unearthly rank for Intuition for initiative.

    • He may perceive any object's momentum as though it were 14CS slower than it's actual movement speed. E.g: Arrows and bullet sized objects appear moving at 5 m/ph

    • Kid Flash is considered to have MN Endurance for movement and tiring purposes.

    • May reach maximum speed in one round and has no penalties making high speed maneuvers or starting or stopping suddenly.

  • Equipment- Costume: Remarkable vs. Heat and Cold, Excellent vs. Physical and Edge

ROUND 13- New Teen Titan Kid Flash. Initiative Kid Flash. He charges at class 500. Domino attempts a dodge and misses. KF hits multiple attacks for 50 damage. Domino health 20. Domino fires relying on her probability powers and hits a bullseye. 40 damage to KF, health 35.

ROUND 14- Initiative KF. He charges, she attempts a dodge. Fail. KF crushes her, health 0.

ROUND 15- Kid Flash rests.

ROUND 16- New Mutant Cannonball. 


Fighting EX 20

Agility EX 20

Strength GD 10

Endurance RM 30

Reason TY 6

Intuition EX 20

Psyche EX 20  

Health 80

Karma 46


  • Rocket Flight: Cannonball has the power to emit thermochemical energy like the exhaust of a rocket, which causes him to propel through the air IN 40 speed.

  • Kinetic Blast: Cannonball can localize his thermochemical burst to parts of his body, Sam can fire kinetic bolts or make melee attacks up AM 50 strength.

    • Sam has developed a release of energy as he strikes the ground, creating a devastating shockwave as he strikes, capable of devastating a wide area damage of IN 40 intensity.

  • Force Field: Originally he could only use the Force Field while flying, but he can now use it as a projected defense of MN 75 rank. He has developed the following power stunts.

  • Absorption - Kinetic: UN 100, redirect as an attack equal to what was given.

  • Expansion: Strength is considered MN 75 in regards to breaking from restraints or grapples.

  • MN 75 charging

  • Immortality: As an External' Sam possesses him Immortality, including Self-Revival at AM rank


Mining, Tumbling, Aerial Combat, Resist Domination, Leadership

ROUND 16- Initiative KF. He charges Sam. Sam tries to fly but is hit. Kid Flash bounces off the force field. Neither combatant is hurt. Sam flies and tries to shoot KF with a kinetic blast and misses. 

ROUND 17- Initiative KF. He spins and creates a cyclone. Sam misses his FLIGHT FEAT and is slammed to the ground for 30 pts damage, health 50. He refires his rocket and flies up.

ROUND 18- KF keeps the cyclone going. Sam connects on his PWR FEAT and stays aloft. KF stops the cyclone. Sam flies at the ground and powerstrikes. The shockwave creates 40 damage in the entire arena. Sam is unaffected. Kid Flash slips to health 0.


Beast Boy

Fighting GD 10

Agility EX 20

Strength TY 6

Endurance RM 30

Reason GD 10

Intuition TY 6

Psyche TY 6

Health 66

Karma 22


  • Animal Transformation: Garfield Logan has the ability to change his form into that of any animal he can think of, gaining the abilities of whatever animal form he has chosen. He does this with AM 50 ability. Although not restricted to a size limit the smaller the animal, the longer Gar is able to keep the shape. The greater the animal's mass the shorter time Gar can hold that form.


  • Changeling always retains his green pigment in whatever form he chooses.

ROUND 19- Initiative Cannonball. He files and fires a kinetic bolt at Beast Boy. BB dodges. Sam misses. BB grows to half size 1984 Godzilla. He fires atomic breath. Cannonball attempts a dodge and misses. Hit for 100 energy, but force field protects and he only takes 25 damage. Cannonball at 25 health. He lands.


Fighting EX 25
Agility GD 10
Strength UN 112
Endurance Shift Y 250
Reason Fe 2
Intuition Fe 2
Psyche Fe 2
Health: 397 
Karma: 6
Height: 131’
Body Armor: MN 75 resistance to Physical and Energy attacks
Flame Breath: UN 100 Energy damage
Tail-Smash: Shift Y 250 blunt damage
Radioactive Pulse: Godzilla may fire his Radiation blast through his skin and backfin for MN 75 Energy damage to those in contact with him
Claws: UN 125 Edged damage 
Teeth: UN 125 Edged damage
Stomp: UN 125 Blunt damage. Both feet together cause Shift Y 250 damage.
Regeneration: EX 20 ability to heal damage (2 pts round).
Energy Absorption: Shift Z. Godzilla must occasionally feed on nuclear energies.

ROUND 20- Initiative Sam. He sits and waits. BB turns and fires breath. He hits. Sam reflects the full atack back at Godzilla. Godzilla takes 25 damage. He grabs his face and screams angrily.

ROUND 21- Sam flies up and dives for an area strike. 40 damage to the arena. Godzilla stumbles and shakes it off. He swings his tail. Sam dodges. Godzilla misses.  BB must make an END FEAT to stay in large form. He misses and shrinks back to Beast Boy.

ROUND 22- New Mutant Blink enters.

Fighting EX 20

Agility RM 30

Strength GD 10

Endurance RM 30

Reason TY 6

Intuition GD 10

Psyche EX 20  

Health 90

Karma 36


  • Teleportation: Blink can teleport herself and/or others at Amazing ability. She has developed the following power stunts.

    Speed Teleport: Blink has an initiative of Unearthly when using her teleport power.

    • When attempting to hit Blink the attacker must have initiative or succeed in a Monstrous Intuition FEAT, otherwise she will have teleported away.

    • Teleport Pins: Blink carries a quiver of pins that do Excellent edged damage. She can also charge them with some of here blinking power to teleport someone away at Amazing ability, or even deadlier to blink the pins a short distance inside a person. This does IN 40 damage. The pins have Amazing material strength

    • Talents Martial Arts: A B E, Tumbling, Acrobatics

ROUND 22- Blink has initiative. She teleports Cannonball across the arena and fires a pin at BB. BB shrinks to the size of a gnat. Cannonball flies and strikes the ground. The arena suffers a IN 40 shockwave. BB at health 22. Blink at health 50. BB transforms to a triceratops.

Fighting RM(30)
Agility TY(6)
Strength IN(40)
Endurance MN(75)
Reason FB(2)
Intuition FB(2)
Psyche FB(2)
Health: 161
Karma: 6
Body Armor: Triceratops’ thick hide offers EX 20 resistance to Physical and Energy attacks.
Shield: Triceratops’ Frill provides RM 30 protection to the neck and shoulders, and causes EX 20 edged damage
Horns: Triceratops’ six-foot horns can cause AM 50 edged damage
Charging: Triceratops gains +1CS to Endurance while charging, to hit and damage (Note: Triceratops’ charging attack is considered an
Edged attack because of its horns)

ROUND 23- Blink has initiative. She teleports darts into the triceratops for 40 damage, health 121. Cannonball flies and fires a bio blast. BB shrinks. Cannonball misses. Triceratops reappears.

ROUND 24- Blink has initiative. She teleports darts into the triceratops for 40 damage, health 81. Cannonball fires a bioblast. He misses. Triceratops charges at Blink. She teleports out of the way.

ROUND 25- Teen Titan Robin (Dick Grayson) appears.


Fighting RM 30

Agility RM 30

Strength TY 6

Endurance EX 20

Reason EX 20

Intuition RM 30

Psyche EX 20

Health 86

Karma 70


  • Wingdings: Robin's own variant of the spinning Batarang, cast in his preferred symbol. They are razor sharp and a little smaller than normal Batarangs. Can be thrown 2 areas and inflict EX 20 edged damage.

  • Uniform: Excellent Body Armor vs. physical attacks, Good vs. energy attacks. Contains nightvision lenses providing Remarkable Infravision, voice-command audio processor, radio transceiver, inertial GPS system, and field-of-view display projector.

  • Utility Belt: Equipped with pockets of varying size. Failsafe in the belt will cause it to explode (Remarkable damage) and be completely destroyed should the buckle or pouches be opened incorrectly.

  • Launching Grappling Hook: Fires a hook that snaps open after firing and clamps shut once the button at its joint hits its target. Contains 200 ft. of de-cel cord (above).

  • De-Cel Monofilament Jump Line: Slows user's fall the further he descends. Remarkable strength, supports 400 lbs. indefinitely and 800 lbs. for shorter periods. 

  • Wall Penetrating Grapple: Fires diamond-bit piercing darts that can attach to up to Remarkable materials. Contains 200 ft. of thermoplastic line (Incredible strength, can support up to 600 lbs.).

  • Conventional Gas Mask: Allows for freedom of operation under exposure to any airborne noncontact toxins.

  • Rebreather: Provides oxygen for 2 hrs.

  • Smoke Capsules: Excellent intensity, 1-area radius. All in the affected area at -2 CS to performing actions.

Original content (C) Copyright 2017 by Deen Gill

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